Ready to build, just a few questions


New Member
So i've been doing a lot of research the past couple weeks and i think i'm ready to start growing! Im building my growbox and it's going to be 4'L, 3'W, 2'D. I' m going to use either 1/2' mdf or plywood. Then im going to paint the inside walls white for reflection(flat white, correct?) Now what i need help on is the fans. I already ordered my HPS 400w light. Came with 2 bulbs one for veg and flowering. For my exhaust i was just going to buy a 4" duct fan from home depot. For my intake fan i was going to use a 120mm computer fan. They both push out about 80cfm... is this going to be enough? also i was just going to use an oscilating fan on the plants like a small one from walmart. Will this work well enough to get circulation on the plants?
Thanks for any help
The ventilation guideline is to exchange the entire volume of air in your space 3-5 times a minute. You have 24 cubic feet in your proposed space, so you will want to move 75-125 cfm.

The oscillating fan will work fine for circulating air...
Im using 2x 120 MM 65 CFM muffin fans. They seem to work very well, they move alot of air. But Im going to have to add another fan to control the heat better.
whats the highest temperature that the intake air gets up to?
right now my room is anywhere from 75 to 85. today when i tried my box out it got up to 91 with my 400w light. im running one 134cfm computer fan for exhaust and have another one pointing at the light.. im thinking i need to just make these both my exhaust? for intake i just have a hole cut out slightly larger than the exhaust.
p.s. that is my intake temp 75-80. also running at about 16% humidity... you think this is to low?

hell yes!

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