Red stem in week old plant?


420 Member
Hello everyone! This is my first grow so I need some help. Excuse my extreme lack of knowledge. To start off, I jumped into the growing process rather quickly with much excitement and subsequently, bought some questionable products. Using an organic potting mix & Dr. Earth 3-2-2 for fertilizer & using an LED grow light on an 18/6 light cycle. I've put ONE drop of the fertiliser in a spray bottle with water and water it when I notice the soil is dry & am being very careful not to over-water. As we all did upon realizing the commitment we're making, I've done an extensive amount of research (nonstop almost) and I still cannot figure out why my stem is red, as the plant shows no other nutritional deficiencies. The stem has been this color since the day after transferring it into soil via paper towel method. The leaves appear (if at all) slightly lighter than the typical green but its so small its hard to tell. I think it looks healthy as of right now besides the stem. Could it be solely genetics? If it helps, I am growing a seed I found in some dispensary pakistani chitral kush :). I'm not currently able to test the ph of the soil but again, it's my first grow I am still working on getting everything I need to ensure that my plant thrives once in later stages. Any advice would be very appreciated!
Thank you ! Just a little worried about messing things up as everyone else is but I'm sure my plant will be just fine especially since its an indoor grow and I'm doing a lot of research.:D
YW...Don't worry about it, just keep it simple and don't over water her...If you don't have soil that automatically buffers your PH, I would suggest a good PH pen and/or some self buffering soil like Fox Farms...seedlings won't need much in the way of food/nutrients for the first week or 2, but after that, transplant into big girl panties (for me it's from seedling mix to FFOF w/the FF nutrient trio) and she'll take off with her first full feeding :goodluck::popcorn:
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