Rediscovering Herb


New Member
Hey guys so for the past 7 years i have been smoking pot pretty heavily, and in the past year even more so since i have started growing. I used to just smoke pot all the time because i always got stoned, but i honestly stopped getting high from pot, smoking every single day for over a year and before that i only took like a 3 month break and i was smoking daily the year before that. And before that it was wen ever i could (at least 3 times a week).

So more recently for the past month or so i have been limiting my smoking to after work or on weekends, i work weekends but i can smoke at work so i try not to do it at work but if i do i only do it on a sat or Sunday.

And i am actually feeling the difference between not being high, and being high. because if you do something, ANYTHING everyday for over a year, besides things you need to do like breath, eat, sleep. it starts to become routine and you cant tell the difference between when you are doing it, and when you are not doing it because it has been so long your brain doesn't remember what it feels liek to not do it.

So that's why i say i am rediscovering it because i am noticing the medicinal qualities more of pot.

I defiantly love to listen to music when im high, Also like to eat. (Good cuz i am skinny!) Makes me more sociable, if i take just one hit during work i am talking to employe's and customers more, instead of keeping to myself.

Also makes me ambitious. but i almost forgot about these things since i was, i guess you could say abusing the herbs.

Like i said i am trying to limit to only after work use, still on a daily basis but i am defiantly enjoying it more by pacing myself.

Has any one else got to this point?? I know people that use the herbs for pain relieving effect need to use when their pain strikes but i use my herbs for more of a relaxation/meditation/recreational purpose, and also more of a mental stabilization rather than physical relief

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