Ron Paul Finds Supporters Among Medical Marijuana

420 Warrior

Well-Known Member
While traditional Republicans were meeting at Clare's Doherty Hotel, a volunteer for presidential hopeful Ron Paul was finding a largely receptive audience a block away before a very non-traditional audience.

"Conservative government, smaller government, less intrusive government," Paul volunteer Race Williams told members of the Clare County Compassion Club. "That's what we need."

The compassion club is a group of medical marijuana patients, caregivers and supporters. They meet twice a month at the Pere Marquette District Library in Clare to discuss the issue and offer insight and support.

"He is not saying he'll legalize drugs," Race told the approximately 50 people gathered for the meeting. But the Republican Texas representative and one-time Libertarian Party candidate for president is highly skeptical of the long-time "war on drugs."

"The drug war, prohibition, it's clear that doesn't work," Williams told the patients and caregivers.

Michigan voters approved the limited cultivation and use of medical marijuana under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, passed in 2008.

But Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette who was the keynote speaker for the weekend's 4th District Republican Roundup at the Doherty has made strict enforcement of the act one of his priorities.

Many of the medical marijuana supporters said the enforcement is too strict, and oversteps boundaries they say should govern law enforcement.

"Bill Schuette's driving me nuts," said patient Todd Billman of Roscommon. The law is "being used to persecute us," Billman said.

Schuette, in an attorney general's opinion released last year, noted that possession of any amount of marijuana is illegal under federal law, and that the Michigan Public Health Code still makes possession or cultivation illegal.

The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act doesn't legalize the drug, but is designed to prevent prosecution of registered patients and caregivers, who may grow a limited amount of the drug for their patients.

But Race said Paul still supported the right of states to permit medical marijuana.

"If there's no federal prohibition, there's no federal law for Bill Schuette to use as a crutch," Race said.

Not all the club members were ready to fall in line behind Paul's Libertarian, laissez-faire, hands-off policy proposals. Bumper stickers supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement were being sold, and at least one member took strong issue with Paul's stands on abortion and climate change.

But others were very supportive.

"I want to save the soul of America before it's too late," said one patient, a gray-bearded, heavyset man in Dickies overalls and a hunter orange cap. He didn't want to give his name.

Paul finished a close third in the Iowa caucuses last week, and several recent surveys show him in second place in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary. Michigan's presidential primary is Feb. 28.


News Hawk - 420 Warrior 420 MAGAZINE
Source: Morning Sun (Mt. Pleasant, MI)
Author: Mark Ranzenberger
Copyright: 2012 Morning Sun
.....still don't trust him...
And you shouldn't. You should not ever trust any politician,EVER.
All you can do is take a look at there history and see if they vote with there ethics or vote for campaign cash. In Ron's case its always been to vote his beliefs and he has never wavered in what he stands for.
He's not for everyone, liberals get scared by some of the sound bites that get put out there. You have to remeber when Ron talks about abolishing federal programs its from a constitutional stand point. He's not against the programs themselves only that the states should be running these programs not the feds.
If the states run them they can be monitored much more closely and made sure to be fair.
I like his stance on the War on Drugs but hate every other policy that comes out of his mouth. Do not waste your vote. He will not be the republican candidate for President.
...I'm NOT a libertarian......way to the left.....very, very, far left....since there really is NO "left" in the american model, most folks have no idea what I'm talking about.....I do NOT mean liberal....
I'm very conservative and, to be honest, my first choice in Newt... But Paul's a close second. Not only because of the war on drugs skepticism, but also because of his ideas on the Federal Reserve. I'm willing to try out something new and God knows they haven't been using legal nor moral business practices basically since the beginning. His foreign policy seemed a bit out of touch, but listening to his son this morning, I was offered a little more clarification. He doesn't think Iran should have nukes, he just has a few options for dealing with it, one being bombing them, but that's not his top choice. I like that. What's so bad about Ron Paul? He was my first choice last election. As stated previously, Newt is my guy this election. I don't trust Romney. That guy's as fake and phony as they come... Sure, all politicians are, but he's the worst, in my opinion.
I'm very conservative and, to be honest, my first choice in Newt

Then, there goes every one's MMJ...gone for good...enjoy ;)

I've posted several articles on Newt here, check-em' out before you get too firm on him, if not for just what he believes should happen to MMJ states?....he will banish them and then all that hard work is all for not!

Hell, even Obama took a semi hands off approach...well, almost anyway ;)
...I'm NOT a libertarian......way to the left.....very, very, far left....since there really is NO "left" in the american model, most folks have no idea what I'm talking about.....I do NOT mean liberal....

That far to the left, huh? Are you wanting all of us to work and pay taxes to support you and your family, or do you want to work to support all of my family?
I'm very conservative and, to be honest, my first choice in Newt... But Paul's a close second. Not only because of the war on drugs skepticism, but also because of his ideas on the Federal Reserve. I'm willing to try out something new and God knows they haven't been using legal nor moral business practices basically since the beginning. His foreign policy seemed a bit out of touch, but listening to his son this morning, I was offered a little more clarification. He doesn't think Iran should have nukes, he just has a few options for dealing with it, one being bombing them, but that's not his top choice. I like that. What's so bad about Ron Paul? He was my first choice last election. As stated previously, Newt is my guy this election. I don't trust Romney. That guy's as fake and phony as they come... Sure, all politicians are, but he's the worst, in my opinion.

This is scary!

I believe that there is more to the election of a president than just one topic. It's good to hear some of the candidates support medical cannabis but I am not a one issue voter so when I hear a republican speak negatively about medical cannabis, I am sure that I will not agree with all his other ideas. It would be the same for a democrat. If I agree with most of his ideas but he is an idiot when it comes to cannabis, then he will not receive my vote either.
Then, there goes every one's MMJ...gone for good...enjoy ;)

I've posted several articles on Newt here, check-em' out before you get too firm on him, if not for just what he believes should happen to MMJ states?....he will banish them and then all that hard work is all for not!

Hell, even Obama took a semi hands off approach...well, almost anyway ;)

I understand that MMJ may be gone under Newt, but that is most definitely not my main reason for voting for him. In fact, MMJ has no influence on my vote what-so-ever. I do enjoy it and love the good it can bring people, but I also believe that with as many people as we have rooting for it, we, the people, can get it done under any president. Especially if the economy keeps tanking, an intelligent human in office will at least see the financial benefit the country could have by legalizing MMJ.
This is scary!

I believe that there is more to the election of a president than just one topic. It's good to hear some of the candidates support medical cannabis but I am not a one issue voter so when I hear a republican speak negatively about medical cannabis, I am sure that I will not agree with all his other ideas. It would be the same for a democrat. If I agree with most of his ideas but he is an idiot when it comes to cannabis, then he will not receive my vote either.

This seems to contradict... Maybe I am misunderstanding.. You say an election of president has more to it than one topic, but you would disagree with everything if you hear he speaks badly of MMJ? I understand Newt may be an idiot on this topic, but it's not on the top of my list. Heck, I had to give up my MMJ business to comply with law, and it was hard, still hurts me to this day to have hurting patients call and ask and have to tell them that it's not around anymore. I believe we should push the financial benefits of the program. That just may get even a republican to raise an eyebrow...
..That far to the left, huh? Are you wanting all of us to work and pay taxes to support you and your family, or do you want to work to support all of my family?
...this sounds like a "fox news" question...said it before...will say it again...there is no "left" in the american has been eviscerated, eradicated...if the definition of insanity is is doing the same thing over and over....yet expecting different results...wel come to should be very happy...we keep electing the same rich, milllionaires, who come from american communitys, attend american churches ,have american families, graduated from american schools....and it's been lovely...we've bought all their nonsesense about how the "market" is the determiner and how the "market" will level everything out without gov't intervention...
sorry, I believe gov't does serve a purpose, and that purpose is NOT to just collect taxes and bomb folks of color on the other side of the world because they have a resource you covet...
This seems to contradict... Maybe I am misunderstanding.. You say an election of president has more to it than one topic, but you would disagree with everything if you hear he speaks badly of MMJ? I understand Newt may be an idiot on this topic, but it's not on the top of my list. Heck, I had to give up my MMJ business to comply with law, and it was hard, still hurts me to this day to have hurting patients call and ask and have to tell them that it's not around anymore. I believe we should push the financial benefits of the program. That just may get even a republican to raise an eyebrow...

You have to understand that I do not subscribe to the republican mentality. So a republican speaking positively about cannabis is not going to make me vote republican. It is much easier to educated someone on one topic than twenty different topics.
..That far to the left, huh? Are you wanting all of us to work and pay taxes to support you and your family, or do you want to work to support all of my family?
...this sounds like a "fox news" question...said it before...will say it again...there is no "left" in the american has been eviscerated, eradicated...if the definition of insanity is is doing the same thing over and over....yet expecting different results...wel come to should be very happy...we keep electing the same rich, milllionaires, who come from american communitys, attend american churches ,have american families, graduated from american schools....and it's been lovely...we've bought all their nonsesense about how the "market" is the determiner and how the "market" will level everything out without gov't intervention...
sorry, I believe gov't does serve a purpose, and that purpose is NOT to just collect taxes and bomb folks of color on the other side of the world because they have a resource you covet...
Good luck to you and may your political model thrive throughout the world...Although I can't discern what it is, I wish you the best!
..That far to the left, huh? Are you wanting all of us to work and pay taxes to support you and your family, or do you want to work to support all of my family?
...this sounds like a "fox news" question...said it before...will say it again...there is no "left" in the american has been eviscerated, eradicated...if the definition of insanity is is doing the same thing over and over....yet expecting different results...wel come to should be very happy...we keep electing the same rich, milllionaires, who come from american communitys, attend american churches ,have american families, graduated from american schools....and it's been lovely...we've bought all their nonsesense about how the "market" is the determiner and how the "market" will level everything out without gov't intervention...
sorry, I believe gov't does serve a purpose, and that purpose is NOT to just collect taxes and bomb folks of color on the other side of the world because they have a resource you covet...

Who is running that is more liberal than Obama? I am being serious. Is there a person who is far to the left like a Ralph Nader? If there is, it's just another wasted vote and it opens the door for a knuckleheads (or course not Boneheads) like Gingrich and Romney. Maybe for Ron Paul but his republican policy ideas (expect for his drug policy) are just as scary as Gingrich and Romney.
...I have no desire to have my model "thrive throughout the world"...not that ambitious...and yes I do believe you cannot "discern what it is"...things would be much better all around if there were articulated alternative models...given their due/legitimacy in the discussion....
...the biggest fallacy in the american model right now is the mistaken perception that there are two distinct political parties....there are not...
...obama is NOT a "liberal".

I stated more liberal than Obama. I consider Obama to be more liberal than any the republican. Is that a good enough spectrum of reference? Just looking for candidates who are toward the left not the right.
Liberal: favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.
In terms of legalizing marijuana, Ron Paul is far more liberal than Obama. He may not be on other issues, but 420 is here for this reason alone, not to promote forced healthcare or radical socialism. It's simply out of context here.
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