Ron Paul Finds Supporters Among Medical Marijuana

...I'm 59 now....throughout my lifetime the whole dialog in this country has moved inexorably to the right...while the pay checks of the american worker has decreased, the spending power of the american worker has decreased, corporate profits have soared..they cannot count the money fast enough..and they are paying NO's a right wing "wet dream" news, rush, all the other am babbling nitwits are raking in the dough...and for the average family....just lovely...the media is corporate owned...and your government has been bought and sold...they have the "judges" in their pockets and the rest of us argue over the spoils..."liberal" has no meaning...except to try to slow....the steady flow of money going upwards, out of our hands to the rich....
...I'm 59 now....throughout my lifetime the whole dialog in this country has moved inexorably to the right...while the pay checks of the american worker has decreased, the spending power of the american worker has decreased, corporate profits have soared..they cannot count the money fast enough..and they are paying NO's a right wing "wet dream" news, rush, all the other am babbling nitwits are raking in the dough...and for the average family....just lovely...the media is corporate owned...and your government has been bought and sold...they have the "judges" in their pockets and the rest of us argue over the spoils..."liberal" has no meaning...except to try to slow....the steady flow of money going upwards, out of our hands to the rich....
If it has moved to the right, it is because that is what the majority of the people voted for, and thus, want. Majority rules. Hate to say, but throwing out conspiracy theories of anonymous people ("they") purchasing America without facts, names and the crimes they have committed doesn't lend much credibility in my book. No one has bought this country, the media, or it's judges, simply more people that oppose your way of thinking have gotten out and voted for elected representatives that share their beliefs, just as the opponents of marijuana have done to me.

But back to the topic, if you want marijuana legalized, vote for Ron Paul, that is what this thread is for.
If it has moved to the right, it is because that is what the majority of the people voted for, and thus, want. Majority rules. Hate to say, but throwing out conspiracy theories of anonymous people ("they") purchasing America without facts, names and the crimes they have committed doesn't lend much credibility in my book. No one has bought this country, the media, or it's judges, simply more people that oppose your way of thinking have gotten out and voted for elected representatives that share their beliefs, just as the opponents of marijuana have done to me.

But back to the topic, if you want marijuana legalized, vote for Ron Paul, that is what this thread is for.

(All of this is not directed toward BudBro. Just using his quote about left and right)
The reason why it goes back and forth here as it does in the media is because the country is split on everything. The Right says the country is too much to the Left and the Left says it's too much to the right. The reality is it is split and that's why there is much debate. As for Ron Paul supporters, you are not doing anything different. You just want to slam the otherside and think that you are right and we are wrong. The more I read here about Ron Paul, the more I will not vote for him (if I was a registered republican). I see that the supporters here are one issue voters and are basically trading rights around and not getting anything. I am for helping people. Ron Paul wants you to believe that you should only look out for yourself and not help others. Sorry, can't live like that. People should have the right to freedom and liberty but we should have the right to help people with unemployment, healthcare, retirement (social security), and education.

Here is your come back, right? When I say rights you think entitlements. Well, hate to burst your bubble but according to the definition they have the same meaning. When Ron Paul says there's a difference between rights and entitlements he is F**ck*** with you. Obviously he doesn't think you'll notice or are not educated enough to know the difference. Don't waste your time with whole republican party. It's for rich white MEN. A vote for any republican candidate is a vote AGAINST your best interest.
...nazi germany was a legally elected government...the majority is not always right, wise, smart......just the majority...
Liberal: favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs. In terms of legalizing marijuana, Ron Paul is far more liberal than Obama. He may not be on other issues, but 420 is here for this reason alone, not to promote forced healthcare or radical socialism. It's simply out of context here.

I am on topic. Ron Paul is not the best person for the job of President and supporter of cannabis should not be fooled.

When we are talking about the election of a president, all things should be considered when making that selection. If a candidate is pro cannabis but is not about finding solutions to healthcare-I won't vote for him. If he is pro cannabis but has no plan on how to deal with foreign countries-won't vote for him. If he is pro cannabis but against worker's rights-won't vote for him. There is a bigger picture than just medical cannabis. It's easier to educated a politician on one subject than twenty.
The reason why it goes back and forth here as it does in the media is because the country is split on everything. The Right says the country is too much to the Left and the Left says it's too much to the right. The reality is it is split and that's why there is much debate. As for Ron Paul supporters, you not doing anything different. You just want to slam the otherside and think that you are right and we are wrong. The more I read here about Ron Paul, the more I will not vote for him (if I was a registered republican). I see that the supporters here are one issue voters and are basically trading rights around and not getting anything. I am for helping people. Ron Paul wants you to believe that you should only look out for yourself and not help others. Sorry, can't live like that. People should have the right to freedom and liberty but we should have the right to help people with unemployment, healthcare, retirement (social security), and education.

Here is your come back, right? When I say rights you think entitlements. Well, hate to burst your bubble but according to the definition they have the same meaning. When Ron Paul says there's a difference between rights and entitlements he is F**ck*** with you. Obviously he doesn't think you'll notice or are not educated enough to know the difference. Don't waste your time with whole republican party. It's for rich white MEN. A vote for any republican candidate is a vote AGAINST your best interest.

No bro, here is my comeback: I'm a single issue voter because I face going to prison for life in the state I live in for growing 1 plant to ease my intolerable pain, not because I'm uneducated. If Ron Paul does not get the nomination, I will vote Libertarian for Gary Johnson (which is a dead vote for Obama, and I understand that). I really don't care if it is a damn Democrat or a damn Republican, as long as the real possibility of being incarcerated for life goes away. Once my kid is out of school and I can move to CA or CO, all the issues will be of importance to me and I will vote accordingly at that time. If it helps you any, I have voted for Democrats more than Republicans in my lifetime. Hopefully you can see the point of single issue voters: NONE of the political issues that Democrats and Republicans spew out and fight over really makes a difference to me or anyone else when sitting in prison for the rest of their life. Get it?
...nazi germany was a legally elected government...the majority is not always right, wise, smart......just the majority...
Yea Ron, you are right and I am wrong...Great point. Maybe it was Hitler who bought America, after alll they never found his body <spooky voice>
No bro, here is my comeback: I'm a single issue voter because I face going to prison for life in the state I live in for growing 1 plant to ease my intolerable pain, not because I'm uneducated. If Ron Paul does not get the nomination, I will vote Libertarian for Gary Johnson (which is a dead vote for Obama, and I understand that). I really don't care if it is a damn Democrat or a damn Republican, as long as the real possibility of being incarcerated for life goes away. Once my kid is out of school and I can move to CA or CO, all the issues will be of importance to me and I will vote accordingly at that time. If it helps you any, I have voted for Democrats more than Republicans in my lifetime. Hopefully you can see the point of single issue voters: NONE of the political issues that Democrats and Republicans spew out and fight over really makes a difference to me or anyone else when sitting in prison for the rest of their life. Get it?

I seems like you feel you are the only one who is at risk of going to jail. First, there has not always been medical cannabis laws. Second, if you think that Ron Paul is going to be able to convince the House and the Senate to end the drug war or at the least change laws in your state...I wish you all the luck. I think this is why a great deal of cannabis users are mad at Obama because of his hands off approach. I have heard alot from the medical cannabis industry here in California. A lot of them are down on Obama and say it was better under Bush. The only problem is that here in California we have seen the industry grow by leaps and bounds. Just looking at San Jose, California;

Number of collectives under Bush = zero
Number of collectives after Bush = 140 (according SJ city clerk)

and those are just collectives. What about delivery service, edible makers, extract makers, and grow operations. Many cities and counties have rendered laws and ordinances around medical cannabis. Yes, these types of situations did happen under Bush but not nearly on the scale we see under Obama. Four states voted for medical cannabis since Obama has been President. Just by him doing nothing, to a certain degree, things have gotten better.

Obama is being setup to fail because departments like the DEA, DOJ, and US Attorneys feel the pressure (whether right or wrong) that their jobs are in jeopardy and probably didn't want him elected in the first place or are trying to derail him now in fear of losing something.
I seems like you feel you are the only one who is at risk of going to jail. First, there has not always been medical cannabis laws. Second, if you think that Ron Paul is going to be able to convince the House and the Senate to end the drug war or at the least change laws in your state...I wish you all the luck. I think this is why a great deal of cannabis users are mad at Obama because of his hands off approach. I have heard alot from the medical cannabis industry here in California. A lot of them are down on Obama and say it was better under Bush. The only problem is that here in California we have seen the industry grow by leaps and bounds. Just looking at San Jose, California;

Number of collectives under Bush = zero
Number of collectives after Bush = 140 (according SJ city clerk)

and those are just collectives. What about delivery service, edible makers, extract makers, and grow operations. Many cities and counties have rendered laws and ordinances around medical cannabis. Yes, these types of situations did happen under Bush but not nearly on the scale we see under Obama. Four states voted for medical cannabis since Obama has been President. Just by him doing nothing, to a certain degree, things have gotten better.

Obama is being setup to fail because departments like the DEA, DOJ, and US Attorneys feel the pressure (whether right or wrong) that their jobs are in jeopardy and probably didn't want him elected in the first place or are trying to derail him now in fear of losing something.
You really don't get it and that's okay, I understand. If I lived in a MMJ approved state I would be card-toting and have no fear of state prosecution as well.

As far as the rest of your statements, you are highly misinformed. None of the DEA, DOJ, or US AG's held these titles before Obama. The President appoints (hires) these individuals to their respective posts, and without him being elected they would have never even got the job. He can also fire and replace them if he does not like what they are doing, so make no mistake about it they are not trying to set him up to fail, they are doing exactly what he wishes. He is their boss! It is no wonder why everyone in the Cannabis Industry hates his guts at this time.
You really don't get it and that's okay, I understand. If I lived in a MMJ approved state I would be card-toting and have no fear of state prosecution as well.

As far as the rest of your statements, you are highly misinformed. None of the DEA, DOJ, or US AG's held these titles before Obama. The President appoints (hires) these individuals to their respective posts, and without him being elected they would have never even got the job. He can also fire and replace them if he does not like what they are doing, so make no mistake about it they are not trying to set him up to fail, they are doing exactly what he wishes. He is their boss! It is no wonder why everyone in the Cannabis Industry hates his guts at this time.

No, I do get it. It sounds like you don't like where you live and you think where I am that I have it made. You are making generalizations about me and who I am. You know nothing about me or what I have done the past or what I did with no laws to protect me. You are correct about the the appointments but alot these people are not new officials (michele lionhart, melinda haag) and it does not matter which party you are affilliated with when they are trying to reduce your or eliminate your job, you are going to do what it takes to keep it. I still do not believe that we would be better with McCain or any of the republican candidates and any Libertarian candidate that you can think of. I will never be a one issue voter. Ron Paul at best would let states decide drug enforcement and by the sound of it, you live in a state that is far off from ever changing its own laws.

If you live in a state where you would go to jail for one plant there must be no laws for medical cannabis, why then would you make an all inclusive statement like "It is no wonder why everyone in the Cannabis Industry hates his guts at this time."? How many people in the cannabis industry do you know in a state where medical is not legal. I'm in the legal cannabis industry in Califorinia and know all kinds of other people in the industry that will be voting for Obama. Not because he is the best for medical cannabis but because his overall political views better represent our views over any republican candidate. Here California the industry continues to grow bigger and bigger. Not because of Bush but because of Obama. A big problem for some is the amount of competition and that is just the nature of business.
Bottom line; it going to be a tight race. If you are a Democrat or voted for Obama last time, don't turn your back now. These republican candidates are not the answer. I would rather educate a politician on one topic then twenty.
Personally, I did not vote for no-bama and I never trusted his smooth talk and his slippery ways.

He has never been 100% their for MMJ where as people like Barney Frank and Ron Paul have.

I do however, have respect for any one else's views but I just can't trust Obama as far as I can throw him because, anyone that will change their stances on things just to suit the crowd, he just so happens to be addressing at the time, is untrustworthy at best...IMO

I will not even get started with that Obama care being shoved down everyone's throat. ;)

Let's think REAL hard about our votes :thumb:

Personally, I did not vote for no-bama and I never trusted his smooth talk and his slippery ways.

He has never been 100% their for MMJ where as people like Barney Frank and Ron Paul have.

I do however, have respect for any one else's views but I just can't trust Obama as far as I can throw him because, anyone that will change their stances on things just to suit the crowd, he just so happens to be addressing at the time, is untrustworthy at best...IMO

I will not even get started with that Obama care being shoved down everyone's throat. ;)

Let's think REAL hard about our votes :thumb:


Please tell me what Ron Paul has done for cannabis or medical cannabis besides introducing the recent legistration that will die in the House because both representatives are retiring. I'll admit his ideas on drug policy sounds better than most politicains but they are just that ... ideas not current laws or legistration. So if the ballot is Romney (who won in new hampshire tonight) and Obama, you are voting for whom? Johnson (it's a vote for Romney) Ron Paul going to become an independent? What choice do we have. We need to find someone who's going to do the least damage to the country. We have no choice but to support Obama because all other candidates are not going to beat him.
Look Bonehead, it's nothing personal. I come here declaring no party affiliation, and a very biased view of advocating FOR the legalization of marijuana and someone who has supported it for over 30 years, or anyone else for that matter. I believe this falls in line with the 420 mission statement and spirit of this forum. Why you would try and discredit anyone who supports the cause in favor of someone who does not on a 420 forum is beyond me, but by all means, continue if you must...
recent legislation
That's what Ron did! No matter what the outcome! He took a stand for us!

Obama?! But he did start shutting down your precious dispensaries even after he said he wouldn't. ;)

Please feel free to read more of our news post's and catch up on all that Obama has done for our industry.

Please educate yourself before judging other's views ;)
Look Bonehead, it's nothing personal. I come here declaring no party affiliation, and a very biased view of advocating FOR the legalization of marijuana and someone who has supported it for over 30 years, or anyone else for that matter. I believe this falls in line with the 420 mission statement and spirit of this forum. Why you would try and discredit anyone who supports the cause in favor of someone who does not on a 420 forum is beyond me, but by all means, continue if you must...

You are correct. There is nothing personal. We are expressing ourselves in a respectable manner (at least I think I'm being respectable) but I'm not saying you are wrong just that we having opposing views. I am not trying to discredit anyone but I have a right to say I don't believe Ron Paul or any other candidate can beat Obama and I believe that people that are in the medical cannabis or just cannabis movement are not voting for their true best interest. Historically republicans have not been about people's rights especially when it involves cannabis. One point; Ron Paul is not advocating the legalization of marijuana. He always defers to the states. He says they should have the ability to make their own laws. With that statement, do think a state like Texas (RP home state) is going to legalize marijuana? How about Wyoming, Mississippi, or Utah? Just because this is an article about Ron Paul and supporters of cannbis doesn't mean I can't criticize him.
You are correct. There is nothing personal. We are expressing ourselves in a respectable manner (at least I think I'm being respectable) but I'm not saying you are wrong just that we having opposing views. I am not trying to discredit anyone but I have a right to say I don't believe Ron Paul or any other candidate can beat Obama and I believe that people that are in the medical cannabis or just cannabis movement are not voting for their true best interest. Historically republicans have not been about people's rights especially when it involves cannabis. One point; Ron Paul is not advocating the legalization of marijuana. He always defers to the states. He says they should have the ability to make their own laws. With that statement, do think a state like Texas (RP home state) is going to legalize marijuana? How about Wyoming, Mississippi, or Utah? Just because this is an article about Ron Paul and supporters of cannbis doesn't mean I can't criticize him.

Not at all my friend, you have every right to your views, as do I, as does everyone here, no doubt ;)

Constructive debate is and always has been welcome here but I can say your probably just beating a dead horse here trying to persuade people into jumping back on the Obama band wagon, after he's been blatantly going back on just about every word he's made since being in office and especially after closing up all those dispensaries...probably even some of our members collectives here?

Obama may even win again, like you are saying but that still doesn't change the facts of his dishonesty no matter how passionate you are about him.

We know where your vote is going and that's all that matters to you and the same thing goes for what ever stance anyone else here believes in...It's just a personal choice that lies with everyone.

I really don't believe it's worth carrying on and on about when our real focus needs to lye with what we can do the get these horrible laws changed.

What does your heart tell you about that? Where do you stand for Cannabis....She needs your help, what are you prepared to do about it?!!!
You are correct. There is nothing personal. We are expressing ourselves in a respectable manner (at least I think I'm being respectable) but I'm not saying you are wrong just that we having opposing views. I am not trying to discredit anyone but I have a right to say I don't believe Ron Paul or any other candidate can beat Obama and I believe that people that are in the medical cannabis or just cannabis movement are not voting for their true best interest. Historically republicans have not been about people's rights especially when it involves cannabis. One point; Ron Paul is not advocating the legalization of marijuana. He always defers to the states. He says they should have the ability to make their own laws. With that statement, do think a state like Texas (RP home state) is going to legalize marijuana? How about Wyoming, Mississippi, or Utah? Just because this is an article about Ron Paul and supporters of cannbis doesn't mean I can't criticize him.
Ron Paul advoctes against the federal prohibition of Marijuana and it's presence on the schedule of the CSA. I haven't done the research on all states, but my states' marijuana laws and two others that I know of are directly tied to the CSA, as are the sentencing guidelines, i.e. schedule 1 gets you x years, schedule 2 gets you x years and so on. I believe most states laws are done this way, so if it is repealed and removed from the CSA, by default it is repealed and removed at the state level. This prevents having all 50 states having to pass new laws if something is added or removed to the CSA. And, as was the case with alcohol, many states tried to continue the prohibtion of alcohol and refused to ratify the 21st Amendment, but all were spanked into submission by the feds and the supreme court at every turn.

I certainly feel you have the right to post here and say what you wish, just as I have the right to go on to a vegetarian forum and denounce beans in favor of beef irregardless of whether it is a vegetable or not and simply because I feel it is better for all those vegetarians reading, to eat beef...Much like trying to beat up Ron Paul on a 420 forum, who would i convince...
Not at all my friend, you have every right to your views, as do I, as does everyone here, no doubt ;)

Constructive debate is and always has been welcome here but I can say your probably just beating a dead horse here trying to persuade people into jumping back on the Obama band wagon, after he's been blatantly going back on just about every word he's made since being in office and especially after closing up all those dispensaries...probably even some of our members collectives here?

Obama may even win again, like you are saying but that still doesn't change the facts of his dishonesty no matter how passionate you are about him.

We know where your vote is going and that's all that matters to you and the same thing goes for what ever stance anyone else here believes in...It's just a personal choice that lies with everyone.

I really don't believe it's worth carrying on and on about when our real focus needs to lye with what we can do the get these horrible laws changed.

What does your heart tell you about that? Where do you stand for Cannabis....She needs your help, what are you prepared to do about it?!!!

All I'm saying is when November 6, 2012 hits and Romney is the republican ticket, who is going to beat Obama. Who's Romney's VP candidate. It's not RP.

Also, my heart told me long ago (1988 1st time I read Jack's EWNC) that the laws against cannabis are wrong but I don't need to list (bragg) on a web site the things I have done. But the things that have been accomplished in my community and state have primarily been done by Democrats or have been supported by mainly by Democrats. RP is a shining star for drug policy reform but his other policies are scary. Do I need to list them here or are people going to do their homework. What is RP's position on women's rights, health care, social security, or worker's rights on the job? Or maybe some don't think those are important.
Ron Paul advoctes against the federal prohibition of Marijuana and it's presence on the schedule of the CSA. I haven't done the research on all states, but my states' marijuana laws and two others that I know of are directly tied to the CSA, as are the sentencing guidelines, i.e. schedule 1 gets you x years, schedule 2 gets you x years and so on. I believe most states laws are done this way, so if it is repealed and removed from the CSA, by default it is repealed and removed at the state level. This prevents having all 50 states having to pass new laws if something is added or removed to the CSA. And, as was the case with alcohol, many states tried to continue the prohibtion of alcohol and refused to ratify the 21st Amendment, but all were spanked into submission by the feds and the supreme court at every turn.

I certainly feel you have the right to post here and say what you wish, just as I have the right to go on to a vegetarian forum and denounce beans in favor of beef irregardless of whether it is a vegetable or not and simply because I feel it is better for all those vegetarians reading, to eat beef...Much like trying to beat up Ron Paul on a 420 forum, who would i convince...

Hopefully I enlighten someone other than you.

RP could federally thru the house and the senate and get rid of CSA, FDA, hell the DEA. It does not prevent states from keeping marijuana illegal. He's all about states making ther own laws. Utah, Mississippi, Wyoming, & Texas. Do you see that ever changing?
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