Ron Paul Finds Supporters Among Medical Marijuana

You have to understand that I do not subscribe to the republican mentality. So a republican speaking positively about cannabis is not going to make me vote republican. It is much easier to educated someone on one topic than twenty different topics.

Neither republican nor democrat speaking positively on MMJ will make me vote for them... I am too worried about the well being of this country that I love to have that topic as my main worry. I don't subscribe to the liberal mentality and their useless rants for $20/hour minimum wages and free services at the expense of hard workers like myself. I agree, not very easy to educate someone on twenty different topics, even if they are for MMJ...
.....been reading with some amusement your exchange...I'm NOT voting for president obama, no ron paul,....I don't trust ANY of the mainstream candidates on any issue...unless it's in I certainly believe they will start one.....and have a VERY, VERY, good reason for it....the press will concur...and off we will go....again...
.....been reading with some amusement your exchange...I'm NOT voting for president obama, no ron paul,....I don't trust ANY of the mainstream candidates on any issue...unless it's in I certainly believe they will start one.....and have a VERY, VERY, good reason for it....the press will concur...and off we will go....again...

I used to not vote, still have no idea if there's even a point, especially with our electoral vote system. I don't trust any of them, either. But Obama is the worst I've ever seen, and Romney makes me shiver... They're basically one in the same... They'll say anything to get into office. Sure, I know all politicians are this way, but these two smooth talkers are the WORST! At least Paul has the record to "prove" that he stands by what he says.. His record at least doesn't contradict. Still prefer Newt... (Can't stand politicians in general, tho. They dance with the Devil himself, in my opinion.)
(All of this is not directed toward BudBro. Just using his quote about left and right)
The reason why it goes back and forth here as it does in the media is because the country is split on everything. The Right says the country is too much to the Left and the Left says it's too much to the right. The reality is it is split and that's why there is much debate. As for Ron Paul supporters, you are not doing anything different. You just want to slam the otherside and think that you are right and we are wrong. The more I read here about Ron Paul, the more I will not vote for him (if I was a registered republican). I see that the supporters here are one issue voters and are basically trading rights around and not getting anything. I am for helping people. Ron Paul wants you to believe that you should only look out for yourself and not help others. Sorry, can't live like that. People should have the right to freedom and liberty but we should have the right to help people with unemployment, healthcare, retirement (social security), and education.

Here is your come back, right? When I say rights you think entitlements. Well, hate to burst your bubble but according to the definition they have the same meaning. When Ron Paul says there's a difference between rights and entitlements he is F**ck*** with you. Obviously he doesn't think you'll notice or are not educated enough to know the difference. Don't waste your time with whole republican party. It's for rich white MEN. A vote for any republican candidate is a vote AGAINST your best interest.

Hello.. Not to interject myself in this conversation but I'd like to add something to this discussion--even though I know you have said that you cannot be convinced. I realize that and I only wish to inform.

As a Ron Paul supporter, and a firm advocate of MMJ, I as a Californian Blue Republican have seen the many errors of both Democrats AND Republicans in this country. I too was very hopeful for Obama and voted for him. Look where that got us. He said that he wouldn't interfere with MMJ. He has. He definitely has the executive power to remove DEA heads that organize fed and state raids of dispensaries and yet he doesn't. Where does this leave us? We must realize that everything most politicians say are to get more votes--and in this case he was aiming at getting minority voters as well as the young vote. And he did. That's not to say that this is a fault singular to Democrats. Indeed, Republicans use the same ploys as well. Politicians are liars.

We must instead objectively look at track records--voting records of honesty and truthfulness. There is one man that stands above the crowd. You will never be surprised with Ron Paul because he has always been a Constitutionalist and a Libertarian. You know exactly how he will act as President and the past 20 years of his Congressional service are only proof of that. If you're ever curious how he'd act in a particular circumstance as President, refer to the Constitution. He advocates sound money, the right to privacy, state rights, non-interventionism, limited government, free markets. So you know that, as a Libertarian, it would be inconsistent with his other policies of non-intervention and privacy for him to continue with the War on Drugs. Let's not forget what the root word of Libertarian is. It's LIBERTY--congruent to freedom.

I notice you think that he wants to leave people out on the sidewalk. Not true. He just realizes that a lot of what government tries to do is more often than not, detrimental to the overall good of society and incurs a lot of societal deadweight loss. They are also woefully inefficient. Anybody who has been to the DMV may attest to the inefficiency of government workers. Also, non-profit organizations are much more inefficient at doling out charitable donations to those that need them than government because... oh look, they're run like businesses and left to allocate their limited funds as efficiently as possible. Conversely, government administrations and organisations tend to be inefficient because they are paid out of the gov't's bottomless purse. We need accountability! As an OBGYN he would always, ALWAYS treat patients that couldn't afford insurance. He would often be paid with things that people had instead of money.. chickens, produce.

You say he doesn't have a foreign policy. Not true. A non-interventionist policy means that he believes the U.S. has no right, under our Constitution, to invade other countries or perform any military act without Congress's consent and a declaration of War. He stresses that we need National DEFENSE, not National INTERVENTION. Looking at contributions that he has received from armed forces--outweighing all the other Republican candidates COMBINED as well as contributions to Obama, it is clear who the troops have chosen as their rightful commander-in-chief. Why are we in other countries when there are American children starving right here at home? We have bases all over the world. Are we really in a place to continue some warped view of the Truman doctrine or some ludicrous notion of Manifest Destiny when we are trillions in debt?

That is all I really wanted to say, although I wanted to elaborate much more. I hope I have made you at least a little bit more open minded to Paul's policies and why they're not so radical as mainstream media would have you believe. I know I have not changed your mind. I just want you to be firm in your political beliefs while understanding the opposing stance on these issues. If in the future you find yourself questioning whether you would rather make decisions on your own or have the government govern all facets of your life I strongly urge you to read "The Road to Serfdom" by F.A. Hayek. That is one thing that I do want to convince you to do--take a closer look at history and historical instances regarding policies, administrations, government, and economics.

(And for the record, the majority of the country is moderate, not leaning strongly left or right. Now if we lived in France, that would be another story ;)) we have this discussion, obama and the dems have 230 somehing million in the bank to spend on re-election....the repubs have appox 220 something million..this election may come close to 1 billion actually believe with those kind of numbers and the corporate ability (thanks to our lovely supremes) to spend unlimited amounts....that any of these twits give a rats ....about the average voter....
Please tell me what Ron Paul has done for cannabis or medical cannabis besides introducing the recent legistration that will die in the House because both representatives are retiring. I'll admit his ideas on drug policy sounds better than most politicains but they are just that ... ideas not current laws or legistration. So if the ballot is Romney (who won in new hampshire tonight) and Obama, you are voting for whom? Johnson (it's a vote for Romney) Ron Paul going to become an independent? What choice do we have. We need to find someone who's going to do the least damage to the country. We have no choice but to support Obama because all other candidates are not going to beat him.

Frankly, for as much as I can't stand Romney, ANYONE is better than Obama. I'd feel 110% better with Romney than with Obama, even if I do think Romney is a big phony. If Obama wins, we're all screwed anyway and MMJ, believe me or not, will become the least of our issues.
Ron Paul wants you to believe that you should only look out for yourself and not help others. Sorry, can't live like that.

I think your misguided a bit here my friend...what Ron Paul and most of us here want, is for our government to quit trying to live our lives for us instead of acting like we are all a bunch of little kids, and they think that we need a baby I think I've got it from here, thank's, but no thank's!

I'm totally against the fact that people think they need to help me live my life, I mean, I am a grown middle age man, and I just don't need ANYONE to hold my hand and walk me through life by changing laws to contain things that are designed to save me from my self...I don't need saving, my friend, I need to make my own decisions for my self!

I don't know when or where people started getting the idea that grown up's need our government dabbling in the affairs of our day to day life?

Take for instance "seat belt laws"...Who is our government to tell me that I need them worrying so much about my safety when it should be MY choice whether I choose to be safe or's MY life, quit trying to be so involved in it...period!

This Mike Moore attitude towards trying to save the world from it's self has gotten way out of control because, personally? I neither need, or want the world, including our government, involved in my personal life unless I invite you into it...make since?

Obama has always tried to see his self as the "savior" of our country but what he doesn't understand is that people are not buying his brand of "Help"!

So, who else is their to vote for? Romney? Newt? Good luck MMJ states? Is all I can say. ;)

Obama barely just does tolerate MMJ, and that's only because he rode on the coat tails of the fringe of society and he knows it would be a witch hunt of which he could never recover from if he went out for our throats but the old school Repub's of the Reagan era? They would have just shut down any notion of tons of MMJ collectives springing up all over a bunch of states and that would have been it! Not up for negotiation!!!

Paul? Now, he is a former Libertarian, turned Republican which, personally for me, throws up a little red flag, but I do know his motivations for this are only because of the track record of the Lib's.

What appeals to me about him, is the fact that he is all for letting people live their lives in which ever way they see fit unless you are causing harm to others and he does 420% want to legalize Marijuana on a federal level, which he has openly said and proved, time and time and time again so, in that, he has MY VOTE!!!

If you think your government needs to be holding your hand? Well my friend, that just shows a little insecurity and maybe you do need some help...IDK? But I for one, have, and can handle things for myself...I'm not that needy, I'm very resourceful and don't need a baby sitter meddling in my day to day affairs, the only people that have that right, are my friends and family because, they have earned that right. ;)
...well, I will not be voting for ron paul....I will not be voting for barack obama...I do not believe all the rich/corporations pouring, literally pouring money into this system are interested/vested in our interests....our government has been bought and paid for, and it's not us...I believe things are going to get a lot worse before they get any better...what we are witnessing is no more or less then the collapse of the american we know it.
....while the "drug war" has recently manifested in rural and other communities it has existed in the black community for the billie holiday story...charlie parker was given electric shock treatments....blacks were incarcerated for years...nobody gave a sh....I don't see ron paul or any other politician as any savior....things happen because people facilitate an environment which allows it to happen...this is all our creation....we keep electing these rich, millionaires to "solve" our problems....and things just keep getting worse....I'm 59 now....I am tired....
....while the "drug war" has recently manifested in rural and other communities it has existed in the black community for the billie holiday story...charlie parker was given electric shock treatments....blacks were incarcerated for years...nobody gave a sh....I don't see ron paul or any other politician as any savior....things happen because people facilitate an environment which allows it to happen...this is all our creation....we keep electing these rich, millionaires to "solve" our problems....and things just keep getting worse....I'm 59 now....I am tired....

I suggest you do more research on Ron Paul's policies towards minorities. I think you may find that he is the best vote for minorities, being a Libertarian that respects the notion that all Americans have equal rights regardless of race or creed.

I definitely agree with you. The system is wrong and unfairly persecutes minorities (especially blacks). But who is the only candidate saying that? And who has the voting record to back it up?

That being said--you are in every right to refuse to vote. That is the beauty of being an American. You have the freedom of choice and the liberty to NOT exercise your rights.

Personally, I participate in the political process out of respect to the men and women who die in the unjust wars they fight, believing that they're protecting American liberties when really it's been oil interests and the Truman Doctrine the past 40 years..
....yea you're right....I'm forgetting that great history of libertarians who stood up for the rights of blacks, latinos, gays, women, throughout the years...
I no longer subscribe to the theory, that there is ANY value listening to what folks SAY....
Words mean NOTHING...... it is ACTIONS that matter...
I will leave the vote for office of the president blank.....not the 1st time...didn't vote for clinton's 2nd either...there will be other issues that I will vote for....
....yea you're right....I'm forgetting that great history of libertarians who stood up for the rights of blacks, latinos, gays, women, throughout the years...
I no longer subscribe to the theory, that there is ANY value listening to what folks SAY....
Words mean NOTHING...... it is ACTIONS that matter...

Sarcasm noted :) and nothing truer said than "Actions matter."

But something to think about. How were the Libertarians to stand up for any rights in a flawed two-party system? The very engine of our gov't lacks third party representation.
Sarcasm noted :) and nothing truer said than "Actions matter."

But something to think about. How were the Libertarians to stand up for any rights in a flawed two-party system? The very engine of our gov't lacks third party representation.
Might as well give it up Dr Nick, his solution his to not vote for anybody and then sit back, and bitch and whine about everbody. Pointless.
....have no desire to explain myself to budbro....that's how you feel about my position....fine....
to the Dr...yes I agree the system is stacked against any viable 3rd or other parties....on that we agree...
I really wish all you nay sayers would do your research about Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is against Big Corporations taking advatage of the tax system.

Ron Paul is against policing the world and starting wars abroad.

Ron Paul is against the Fed Controlling our lives.

Ron Paul wants to abolish corporate Subsidies

Ron Paul even states that if elected President....which he will.... He will take a $39336.00 a year salary instead of the current $400000.00 a year salary.....Any other candidates do this....not!!

Ron Paul is sincere. Please be nice. Join the cause. I just got back from a Ron Paul Meetup.. Go online they are all over the area. You would be surprised at all the people young and old that are supporting this true honest man. If you listen to his speaches when he talks about Liberty. He sounds like Martin Luther King! In fact MLK is one of Ron Pauls heros because of how he fought for Liberty.

As a former Marine and average working guy. I support Ron Paul.
I really wish all you nay sayers would do your research about Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is against Big Corporations taking advatage of the tax system.

Ron Paul is against policing the world and starting wars abroad.

Ron Paul is against the Fed Controlling our lives.

Ron Paul wants to abolish corporate Subsidies

Ron Paul even states that if elected President....which he will.... He will take a $39336.00 a year salary instead of the current $400000.00 a year salary.....Any other candidates do this....not!!

Ron Paul is sincere. Please be nice. Join the cause. I just got back from a Ron Paul Meetup.. Go online they are all over the area. You would be surprised at all the people young and old that are supporting this true honest man. If you listen to his speaches when he talks about Liberty. He sounds like Martin Luther King! In fact MLK is one of Ron Pauls heros because of how he fought for Liberty.

As a former Marine and average working guy. I support Ron Paul.


Brilliant brother Farmer!!! Well said! :thanks:
Outstanding 420 Warrior!! Together we can do this. They cannot hide the truth forever!!
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