Sativa Tincture Creation

I have read many posts where you use ever clear to make tinctures. I have been doing this for many years but I NEVER release the ever clear into the air.

1) 1 ounce of good herb dried in the oven at 175f for 20 min...
2) cut up and put into a quart mason jar with 16 oz 190 ever clear for 30 days (shake daily)...
3) strain thriugh 220 count linen and press out all ever clear.
4) Return herb to mason jar add 8 oz ever clear for rinse, strain and repress.
5) you add the 8 oz to the first pressing giving 24 oz
6) I put a lid with a nipple onto the mason jar and hook it to a cooling coil (hillbilly still)
7) put the mason jor into a water bath boiler
8) Reduce the tincture to 1 oz
9) add 1/2 oz glycerin
10) Then reheat to reduce to 1 oz

(28 grams of herb is now 30ml of tincture)

This allowes me to reuse the ever clear over and over and over... I have done over 2 pounds into tincture this year, when I started I had 2 gal of ever clear I now have 1 3/4 gal left
I have COPD and dont smoke much any more.

Im going to attempt my 1st try at a tincture using everclear I have 200ml and was wondering how much MM to use,any suggestions
would be appreciated. Thanks
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