Seedling leaf pointing up towards the light


420 Member
Today I gave my seedlings there 1st watering with 1ml of bio grow to a litre of water.

One of the seedlings leafs have started pointing towards the light.

Does anybody know what this could be..

Seedling is 12 days above ground.

Temps are 23 degrees lights on
19.9 lights off

Ph is 5.8

Lights are on 18/6

All the others are fine it's just this one

Pic 1 2 are the ok ones
Pic 3 the pointing leaf
Pic 4 all of them
Any help appreciated thanks in advanced


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I'm still learning a lot every day but I don't think that leaf is anything to worry about. Seedlings can do all kinds of funky things for no reason sometimes. They look healthy but they have stretched a little. Try lowering your light perhaps. Also in the near future you will want to drill holes in the bottom of that container for proper drainage. Also don't leave them grow in there for too long or your roots will tangle. I'm pretty sure roots will find their way around or even through that wet cardboard.
I don't know what medium you are growing in but if it's just a regular soil grow your PH is a bit low. Try raising it to 6.4 unless that's coco.
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