Seedling problem need help ASAP


New Member
I germinated this seed no problem except the husk got very dry and it never popped open.
The seedling grew tall but the seed never opened so i cracked the seed a tiny bit yesterday and it fell off after i tapped it today.
Now one of the leafs is twisted and what was in the seed appears to be holding the other three leafs together.
The other seedling i'm growing is perfectly fine so i don't know why this one is so damaged.
Any help would be extremely helpful.




Hey tomeh,
Take a deep breath and relax. I know how it feels to get that starter's anxiety attack. Your seedling is perfectly fine. When it grows some the cotyledons will grow out more and da seed shell will fall off on its on. I've started two grows from seed and sometimes the seed doesn't shake off for even a week.

have a good nite :surf:
Haha cheers
I've had this happen before and then the plant stayed at the same height for a month and the leaves did not grow an inch so i just killed it.
Hope this one turns out well
happened to me on the first grow I did. And like the Beatles say (Let it be) Once the plant get's large enough it should just fall off by itself. Or at least it'll be bigger and not as easy to damage the plant by trying to take it off yourself... I just let mine fall off tho, eventually it's bound to happen if the plant is growin... That's my $.02 anyways... Hope it helps.
Based on your picture, I would take off the seed so that the tiny green leafs are completely exposed.

Myself, I just used a toothpick, and took off the seed covering as you have it, so that the leaves can be exposed to light. It's in day 4 now, and even though I nearly overwatered it to death in Day 1, it's now happy as a clam, thanks to Droopy Dog (DD).


Day 1 (I already removed the seed completely off the leaves)


Day 2 (severely over watered from day 1)


Day 4
Thanks everyone,
I put the seedling into a humididome type thing and now its all good.
Im guessing the seed absorbed the moisture in the air and i tapped the seed right off.
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