Slylikeafox Promix Soil Cali/OG Kush 70% Sativa - 2018

Hey Slylafox,
Looking good!
I'm trying your friends suggestion and for me, it's really helping. I was always watering to runoff. Now I'm hitting each pot every day or two with just a jug orc1/2 jug. Its also helping me get em all closer to the same timing so that's awesome for mixing and feeding!!! Glad I popped by and saw that. I almost or did just kill my seedlings by going to runoff. I wish I'd just splashed them. I took down one I killed and yea no roots where it was wet....such a simple task but means so much!
Anyway, thanks for the post, it helped me.

I'm glad you could find some useful info. Buddy grew for about 10 years then decided he didn't want the hassel any more. He's been a good source of info and products. Good friends are hard to come by Haha

Keep it frosty Bud:cool:
Hey Slylafox,
Looking good!
I'm trying your friends suggestion and for me, it's really helping. I was always watering to runoff. Now I'm hitting each pot every day or two with just a jug orc1/2 jug. Its also helping me get em all closer to the same timing so that's awesome for mixing and feeding!!! Glad I popped by and saw that. I almost or did just kill my seedlings by going to runoff. I wish I'd just splashed them. I took down one I killed and yea no roots where it was wet....such a simple task but means so much!
Anyway, thanks for the post, it helped me.

Just if I may add... Not trying to say anything against that method... but remember your roots need oxygen and to do that your soil need to dry and that's gonna give you healthier roots system and stronger plant (and avoid root rot)

Sorry Slylafox if I'm intruding... I'm just trying to help out so people don't do the same mistake as I (and a lot of my friends wen they started) did with my first(and only grow so far) grow.
Well here we are another beautiful day.

The girls really took off last night with a good amount of new growth this morning.

Today all i did was more LST on the 3 #2 plants. They seem to really love having their wings spread. The #1s have new growth around the topping i did yesterday.

Guess i didn't kill my microbes Whew!!!

Anyways now for pictures
GC #1

DP #1

Cali OG #1

#2s LST'd

Keep it Frosty all and thanks for tagging along:cool:
Well another big day.

Re-potted all the girls into their final home. Lowered and re-set lighting.

Tomorrow will be the beginning of their week 3 feed which will also include adding fulvic acid to the nute mix. i have debated Cal/mag but currently I am not noticing any deficiencies in the plants so until tomorrow the struggle goes on Haha.

Will check temps and RH in a couple of hrs just to ensure light and fans are properly set.

Now for pictures.
Root Ball

# 1s front DP, left Cali OG, and back is GC

# 2s Same layout as above

Grow tent #1s on left

Keep it Frosty all:cool:
the roots are looking healthy as fuck and your plants just look perfect:goodjob:
Just if I may add... Not trying to say anything against that method... but remember your roots need oxygen and to do that your soil need to dry and that's gonna give you healthier roots system and stronger plant (and avoid root rot)

Sorry Slylafox if I'm intruding... I'm just trying to help out so people don't do the same mistake as I (and a lot of my friends wen they started) did with my first(and only grow so far) grow.

No problem. And just to clarify i do let the soil dry between waterings. its just i water until it saturates the soil. this way i don't have to water every day or every 2 days. i am about 3 days between waterings which is helpful for me as there are days i'm out of the house before the start of my light cycle (on at 6am). So far no issues just wanted to hear what others were doing. Besides i let my girls judge how i'm doing Haha

Keep it Frosty and any comments are good comments.:cool:
Just if I may add... Not trying to say anything against that method... but remember your roots need oxygen and to do that your soil need to dry and that's gonna give you healthier roots system and stronger plant (and avoid root rot)

Sorry Slylafox if I'm intruding... I'm just trying to help out so people don't do the same mistake as I (and a lot of my friends wen they started) did with my first(and only grow so far) grow.
Agreed and thank you, your 100% right I guess what I was trying to say is I was drenching my promix more than it could catch up to drying roots if that makes sense, I always watered till runoff. Great point man. And shout out to Slylafox for giving me some light on different methods!

It's great to wake up have a coffee and Carolyn's and head to see the girls.

Today was just another semi normal day.

#1's Received 1.2L of just water today. This will carry them through until Friday when they get there week 4 nutes. I was going to trim them a bit but so far they seem OK.
#2s Received 1.2L of just Water today again this will carry them through until friday. They also received more LST this morning as they seem to grow out of their restraints over night. Guess they love the bondage (you were right Bonsai)
#3s received about 50ml of straight water and about 75ml of 1/2 strength week 3 nutes. I played with their stems a bit this morning i found this helps with strengthening and thickening the stem.

I did notice that where the new growth comes out that it seems more yellow in color. I am thinking this is Cal/Mag deficiency? Comments anyone? I will add Cal/Mag during their next watering schedule on Friday. Thinking this will work

Now for the best part the Girls!!!!




GC#1 new growth

GC#2 LST'd

#2s LST'd

Keep it Frosty my fellow Kronics:cool:o_O
I did notice that where the new growth comes out that it seems more yellow in color. I am thinking this is Cal/Mag deficiency? Comments anyone? I will add Cal/Mag during their next watering schedule on Friday. Thinking this will work

Do they stay yellow? if there are patches then it might be mag. Mag. can be really be detected on young leaves. Lower leaves will show first signs of mag deficiency. When "severe" deficiency of calcium, young leaves grow yellowish to purple hues.
If Calcium def- slow growth and turn young leaves dark green. Also, uncommon indoor growing.

Again im using my reading notes here:
Sulfur (which is also secondary nutrient like cal/mag.) deficiency resembles nitrogen deficiency. It does not necessarily mean you need more nitrogen or sulfur. Maybe the PH in the soil is to high and nitrogen cant perform its primary job.
I did notice that where the new growth comes out that it seems more yellow in color. I am thinking this is Cal/Mag deficiency? Comments anyone? I will add Cal/Mag during their next watering schedule on Friday. Thinking this will work

Do they stay yellow? if there are patches then it might be mag. Mag. can be really be detected on young leaves. Lower leaves will show first signs of mag deficiency. When "severe" deficiency of calcium, young leaves grow yellowish to purple hues.
If Calcium def- slow growth and turn young leaves dark green. Also, uncommon indoor growing.

Again im using my reading notes here:
Sulfur (which is also secondary nutrient like cal/mag.) deficiency resembles nitrogen deficiency. It does not necessarily mean you need more nitrogen or sulfur. Maybe the PH in the soil is to high and nitrogen cant perform its primary job.
I would say check your pH lvl and then if your pH lvl is good it could be cal/mag deff but I could be wrong
I did notice that where the new growth comes out that it seems more yellow in color. I am thinking this is Cal/Mag deficiency? Comments anyone? I will add Cal/Mag during their next watering schedule on Friday. Thinking this will work

Keep it Frosty my fellow Kronics:cool:o_O

Hey Sly, the girls are looking great and I see no sign of any deficiency in them. When plants put on new growth rapidly ( and you'll see this when they go into flower even more) they have not filled the new growth with chlorophyll so they have that yellow appearance. As the leaf matures that yellow will become a dark green that you are used to seeing. Hope that helps put you at ease.
Hey Sly, the girls are looking great and I see no sign of any deficiency in them. When plants put on new growth rapidly ( and you'll see this when they go into flower even more) they have not filled the new growth with chlorophyll so they have that yellow appearance. As the leaf matures that yellow will become a dark green that you are used to seeing. Hope that helps put you at ease.

Thats what i was hoping!! They do go nice and green once they are a bit bigger
Well here i am near the end of the 3rd week of veg. Friday i start them on their week 4 nutes. They will get this level of nutes for the next 2 weeks at which time (end of week 5) i will flip them to 12/12.

I did have a epiphany last night (hurt a bit haha)

When talking about watering i mentioned i bring my pots to saturation. WELL sort of. Let me explain

When the girls first started out in Solo cups and peat pots i started their waterings at 100ml per plant as they grew bigger about every 2nd watering i increased the amount of water to try and maintain a 1-2 day water cycle (160ml). Which means i didn't start saturation until they were about 1 week above dirt. At this time yes i saturated them. but in reality all it was showing me was i needed to up pot my plants.

Once I put them in 1 gal pots I still gave them only about 200ml of water. this was enough to saturate a solo cup, but not the 1 gal pot. As i continued watering i slowly added more water each time until at between week 2 and week 3 i was at saturation of my 1 gal pot (about 1.2L of water). To me this meant i needed to up pot again.

Now that they are in 5 gal pots i only give then 1-1.2L of water currently. Again this is enough to saturate the 1 gal, but no where near what it would take to saturate a 5 gal pot. This gives enough for the plants currently so I only need to water every 2 days. I will slowly increase the amount of water i give over the next 2 weeks as the plants require more moisture. Where that will take me as for amount of water i don't know,

What i do know is this if you want to water everyday give them just what they need. If you are looking for a couple day spread on watering then give them more, But make sure that the soil dries before you add more water. This part is essential to a happy root system

Now on to the good part,

#1s I did a bit of LST on them this morning. Just trying to get as much light to the bottom of the plant.
#2s same thing just continued the LST. I must say every morning they sure try to bust out of their restraints.
#3s Got their first LST. They are now growing their 3rd set of leaves




#1s LST'd

#2s LST'd

Keep it Frosty all:cool::nomo:
Not much to add today the girls are doing great.

I added 100ml week 2 nutes to the SJ and DA this morning.
The other 6 plants will get their week 4 nutes tomorrow as planed.

No LST done today Just some loving whispers

Daily Pics
GC 1

GC 2

DP 1

DP 2

Cali OG 1

Cali OG 2

The Twins SJ and DA

Keep it Frosty All.:cool::rollit:
1st good news this morning

Weather is getting warmer here in the canadian north. For the next week +8c:eek: (48f for those of you south of the border Haha)

After having a nice quiet coffee and Carolyns and then a quick puff I enjoyed my second good news flash as I went to visit the girls.

Yesterday afternoon when i went for a visit and chat with the girls I finally broke down and did some pruning on the #2s. Being a Nooby I always worry about doing the right thing.

Today the girls had a bunch of new growth and looked pretty happy with the trim.

Today is also Day 1 week 4 Temps 70-84f- RH 30-55%, PH of water 6.7, PH after nutes 7

All #2s and #1s received 1.5L of week 4 nutes

12ml ofgrow
6ml of bio
3ml of bloom

#3s didn't receive anything.

#2s also were released from their bondage today. I thought with 2 weeks left in the veg state now would be a good time just for light LST as needed.

#1s will continue getting light LST as needed. Biggest thing i've noticed since starting them on LST in the incredible growth in the middle of the plant. I would say the center has grow by about 3 incheso_O
#3s Let them grow, let them grow.

Not much more to report other than pics.



GC #2 Unfettered

DP #2 Unfettered

Cali OG #2 Unfettered

Here's to Keeping it Frosty :smokin:
That inside growth is pretty crazy on the plants when you stress them huh? My Purple Kush plant that I messed with a few times over a few weeks is crazy in the middle.

Grow baby grow! Keep up the good work.

I have to say like a Nooby i always worried i didn't do it right. Now that i'm a month in it's crazy how things look now. I can hardly wait for the next 2 weeks when i flip them. Can almost taste them now. Haha.

Thanks for all the comments. helps to have others opinions.


Keep it Frosty :cool::peace:
Today's visit with the girls!

#1s and #2s seem to be pretty happy with the increase in nutes. They have shown me some nice growth last night.
#3s needed a 100ml of week 2 nutes today. Really didn't expect much difference. They seem to need water about every 2 days ish.

Current temp 70f-83f, RH 40-56%. I have been able to increase my night temps and humidity by installing a small heater that only comes on at night. As well as increasing my humidity 1-2 hrs before lights out. This helps keep humidity up during the evening.

Biggest change was my attitude. I have now gone from the hurry up and grow you lazy seedling to hurry up and grow you beautiful weed.

I do need to prepare for a pruning on the girls as some of their new growth is now impeding light getting to the bottom. Its funny how things change. Anybody want to impart their words of wisdom before i prune tomorrow. ALL help is welcome.

I am also considering changing my light schedule slightly going from my current 18-6 to a 16-8 schedule. I have heard the extra 2 hrs of day light doesn`t help produce any more growth. I will potentially Flip the girls in 2 weeks which gives them a full 5 week veg. Again any and ALL comments are welcome.

Now for Pics
Cali OG 2
DP 2

Keep it Frosty my Friends:cool::cheer:
Biggest change was my attitude. I have now gone from the hurry up and grow you lazy seedling to hurry up and grow you beautiful weed.

Nice way to show us your patience, Mr. Pro...... :laugh:
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