Slylikeafox Promix Soil Cali/OG Kush 70% Sativa - 2018

Well so far the CAL/Mag seems to have helped or maybe it was giving them a small amount of water and a trim, or maybe a combination of both, or lastly corrected itself and I was more worried than I needed to be.

Who knows. I do know they look way better today and for sure the trim they received added new growth like crazy:slide:

I did give all the bigger girls some more LST and a bit more trimming this morning. I do need to build a proper way to LST them though as i have run out of room just tying them to their pots. Oh the problems we have, but I will complete it prior to flipping. I also added a couple more fans in the tent to improve circulation, but with every change i now need to get my air exchange correct again as now RH and temp are increasing. Crazy the things we do for a weed.

I am still going to give them their regular just water feeding probably tomorrow seeing as they go through water like crazy. I will then give them 1 more feeding cycle and throw them into flower. Hoping by next weekend. Once in flower i will follow the same feeding schedule full, half, water, except the nute amounts will change for the flower cycle as listed below.

Week 1 of 12/12 : 6ml Grow + 6mil Micro+10ml Bloom
Week 2 of 12/12: 3ml Grow + 7ml Micro + 12ml Bloom
Week 3: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 14ml Bloom
Week 4: 3ml Grow + 8ml Micro + 16ml Bloom
Week 5: 2.5 Grow + 7ml Micro + 18ml Bloom
Week 6: NO GROW + 6ml Micro + 20ml Bloom USE UNTIL FLUSH

I may add Fulvic acid folier spray but not sure yet.

All comments are more than welcome.

Now for Pics
Group shot

GC 1
GC 2
DP 1
DP 2
Cali OG 1
Cali OG 2
SJ Twin 1
DA Twin 2

Happy growing my friends and keep on keeping on.:thanks: for all the valuable lessons.
Looking great Sly- I can't believe I missed your journal. I'm subbed up now and on board for the flip.

Like your LST - I expect it to pay off for you in the long run.
Hey Sly, things are looking nice bro!

agreed with bonzai on a more gradual light time change! although i find it a lot easier to run my lights during the daytime and have them off at night. and those two LED lights your have don`t draw that much power so i wouldn`t even bother unless the missus is really on you about it lol

the green crack will drink a hell of a lot compared to the OG Haze. Also, I found that the green crack got a mag diff every now and then, it would start going a lighter green on the top leaves and spread downward - a bit of epsom salt or calmag and a few days later they would be medium dark green again.

My OG went 9.5 weeks. The GC I had was done in 8 weeks although it says 9-10 on the website.

keep up the good work!
I picked up some dolomite lime that i added to the top of the soil and then just raked it in and watered. Hoping it releases fast enough to combat any deficiency.

Today i am still flushing with just water so hoping that will help somewhat. As for the lighting time change i'm not going to do it i like having the lights on during the day time. I'm not worried about cost as you say couple lights, couple fans don't take that much power. Told her if she was that concerned turn her 3-4 1500w heaters off LMAO.

Thanks for the info:cool:
Well I watered today to help with the buildup issue I believe I have (to many Nutes).

Each of the main 6 plants received 6L of water with a runoff of about 1/2L. I was very surprised at the color of the water coming out the bottom. I think it tells me there is still lots of nutes in the soil. I may just feed 1 more time with straight water although I am still considering that approach.

Over all the girls are doing well and I don't have many concerns just yet.

Now for pics.

Well now I get to wait and see how long 6L of water will last the girls.:drool:

Here's to still having fun :eek:

Keep it Frosty my friends
Another big day for the Girls.

All received hair cuts today including the twins. The growth from the last trim has been great, The straight water and dolomite lime seems to have straightened out the girls that were having issues. I'm pretty happy about that. I did try my hand at cloning today as well taking one clone from each of the #2 girls. I am hoping this works out as I will take them outside in a month or so and they will be my victims for an out door. We will see how that works

Next feeding will likely be on Thursday or Friday depending on when the pots dry out from their soaking. Not much more to add other than Pics
GC 1
Cali OG 1
Cali OG 2
Da Twin 2
SJ Twin 1

Keep it frosty all and here's to another uneventful week (no bad stuff):cool:
Thanks Troy

Not sure I was doing the right thing, but so far I am pretty happy with how they are turning out. I am thinking I will flip on Friday. I was going to wait one more cycle of feeding veg nutes, but with the way they have filled in due to the trimming they received I believe it's time.

Can't wait to see what the next 2+ months have in store for me.

Keep it Frosty my Friend:cool:
To be honest, I don't think there is a right nor wrong way to LST. As long as you achieve more bud sites and the plant thrives your on target.

Probably good timing to do a flip - especially if you are limited by vertical height. My first grow I went 60 days before flip which was probably a bit late and I had to really work on techniques to keep the canopy down.

You can expect the plant to stretch 2x to 3x current height.

That is where I am at now. 60 days veg and wondering how I am going to keep the canopy down. Height is not much of an issue since I have a 6.5ft tent height. For me it is more about timing and I like the look of the SOG. Just not sure how to deal with it once it gets the 2-3x. whether I continue flattening or if I let them be taller.

Decision, decisions.

I did notice that although I saturated the plants last watering that the GCs are already thirsty. That is just crazy as the others still have at least 2 days to go before I need to water them.

Oh well weeds will be weeds:cool:
I'm having to make the same decision. I had to let the plant in the rear of my tent go natural with some super cropping while the ones under the Scrog are getting woven. I can tell you I'm happy the stretch is over for 3 of my plants.
Enjoying the ride Sly, cheers to your grow!!

Glad to have you jesse. Come on over any time make comments, nothing is taboo as long as it's fun.

I'm having to make the same decision. I had to let the plant in the rear of my tent go natural with some super cropping while the ones under the Scrog are getting woven. I can tell you I'm happy the stretch is over for 3 of my plants.

Yah the ones in the back of your tent are sure large. I'm lucky and can open the rear door of the tent to get back there. Oh well its a nice problem to have.

Thanks for hanging around.:cool:
Well here I am the final week of veg (this time for sure).

Yesterday I gave the girls a huge trim job taking out alot of undergrowth. I also released their bonds to give them a rest before I nudge them to their final potential. They then received their final veg nutes at full strength. Over the next week I will continue with minor defoliation and restart their LST as required.

Hope all goes well in the next 8 weeks.

Now for pics

Hope you enjoy. And thanks to those whose words of wisdom I have chosen to follow. (sort of):yahoo:

Keep it Frosty All:cool:
Thanks Troy

Yes they have. I can't believe the amount of growth just because I trimmed them up a bit. Today I need to add some tie points in the pharmacy (wife likes that better than tent) at least then I can continue LST.

So Question
looking at the pictures would you clean up the bottom more? I am a bit cautious about it. I realize I will get crazy amounts of stretch in the next 1-2 months just don't know if taking more of the growth out of the bottom is taking away from my harvest.

Any comments are good.:peace:
I would go ahead and clean out the bottom. You really won't hurt your output. Most of the stuff down there won't produce much - maybe a some popcorn. Instead your plant will put it's energy into to the big Colas.
Heres what they look like a day after their LST. Crazy growth again

Watered again today

Heres what they look like a day after their LST. Crazy growth again

Watered again today

Whips and chains man.....whips and chains. She is loving it. :cool:
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