Soil for cannabis plant

User4 20

New Member
Hello friends, i start to grow my first Cannabis plants. Now my plants are în seedling stage and i want to transfer them în bigger pots and change the soil. Someone told me that i can use bonsai soil that contains peat, clay, volcanic rock, lime and fertilizer. Do you think it's a good ideea? What do you recommend me? Thank you!
Hello friends, i start to grow my first Cannabis plants. Now my plants are în seedling stage and i want to transfer them în bigger pots and change the soil. Someone told me that i can use bonsai soil that contains peat, clay, volcanic rock, lime and fertilizer. Do you think it's a good ideea? What do you recommend me? Thank you!
Hiya user420.
It really depends on what's available to you and the grow style you want to use.
The soil that you mention is what's considered a super soil, you only have to water it, as it contains alot of what the plant needs. These soils are strong in some cases and may burn little plants.
Or you can get a light soil mix, I use plant magic soil, this doesn't contain much and is considered inert. I then feed the plant using bottled nutrients a different streanghts through the plants life.
Hiya user420.
It really depends on what's available to you and the grow style you want to use.
The soil that you mention is what's considered a super soil, you only have to water it, as it contains alot of what the plant needs. These soils are strong in some cases and may burn little plants.
Or you can get a light soil mix, I use plant magic soil, this doesn't contain much and is considered inert. I then feed the plant using bottled nutrients a different streanghts through the plants life.

Right now it's all depending on what's available to you and if you have any preferred grow style.
Are there any grow stores near you? Are they still open? Etc.
If you want to do a organic living soil you could order a pre mix or components from, if you want something you can adjust as the plants needs change i recommend coco (i add worm castings and perlite to mine) and feed bottle nutrients per the manufacturer's instructions/schedule or even lighter. Some use pro mix or fox farm ocean forest which is a little strong for seedlings so maybe cut it with inert coco like 40/60.
As for bottled nutrients, do your homework, read lots of reviews, etc. are any industries using them? Do they line up with your intentions? Some are vegan, some are so complicated that you need a chemistry degree LOL, some are owned by evil corporations, and some are really good but expensive.
I believe there are a few that stand out as great nutrients for beginners like grow more, dyna grow, and megacrop. Also canna is super easy and high quality but expensive to start with.
Best luck!
What do you recommend me?

Coco is a lot easier, but you have to water/feed every day.
I didn't manage to grow anything worthwhile in soil, but coco ............

Not sure you'd want much peat or clay in your grow soil, it would make it too wet and easy to rot the roots.
What are your plants in now?
Now they are in cups with regular plant soil because i read that in this stage they don't need any fertilizer. I would use that bonsai soil because there is no need to add extra fertilizer and i think that makes it harder to make mistakes especially since it's my first experience with plants.
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