Soil to dwc? How do I do it?

Soul Sativa

New Member
Have some sprouts and have acquired the goodies for DWC.

What I wkuld like know is how I go from soil to DWC? Sprouts are only couple inches high....
If I were you, I would wait for the plant to grow up and be able to handle being cloned. Then take a clone, and use the clone for your dwc. The other way, which I wouldn't do, is to(very gently) rinse off the dirt, while trying not to damage the very delicate roots, then lay the roots in your medium and gently backfill the rest of the medium on top.
But like I said, I wouldn't go that root. Wait and take cuts, and use those for best results.
It can be done. My experience has been the younger the better. Yours sound like they may be tall enough.
I do it when they are tall enough for the roots to reach near the bottom of a net pot.

What I do is take it out of it's container and set in a bucket filled with water high enough to submerge the
plant. Gently move it around to remove most of the dirt. After that I very gently work the roots with my
fingers removing all of the remaining dirt that I can without breaking too many roots.
Set it in a dwc bucket with light nutes.
Root Riot was the answer. I picked some up and usex a serated sterilized blade to cut it vertically to the center. Since its in essence a compressed peat sponge, the little ladies took right to it after a very gentle soil rinse.
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