Something is happening to my nodes?


New Member
hey so i have a plant thats 4 weeks old,had about 8 nodes,almost 10,and ive been noticing these little leaves are starting to emerge,2 on each node spreading outward in a "V" shape,i still dont know the sex but is this a female indication? they are too small to see with my camera (as i do not have a great one) so i cant post pics,but if my description is good enough for anyone to give me any info at all i would appriciate it.
Re: something is happening to my nodes??

No I believe the little leaves you speak of are no indication to sex, they will need to be much older. Unless they look like white hairs or balls? the signs of female/male genetics. I believe you are referring to spicules(little pointy green finger leaves). Pistils(white hairs) or Stamen (little green balls) will form in the same spot when mature enough to show sex/start of flower cycle.
Re: something is happening to my nodes??

This is a female plants node at first sign of maturity, note the green pointy spicule and the fluffy white pistil.

Re: something is happening to my nodes??

hey thanks a lot SWvoodoo! ik what they look like as far as the male and female plants and what to look for,i was just wondering if what I was seeing was an early female indication or anything like that? heres a couple pics,any info and comments would really help.


Re: something is happening to my nodes??

Just little branches starting, still much too young to sex. Looks healthy other than the leaves being a little droopy. If your soil is wet and your leaves are drooping the chances are you've been overwatering a touch and its a little oxygen deprived, if its dry then shes due a drink. Im no soil expert but id say shes due a weak fertiliser but don't over do it.
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