Sorry..another lighting question


New Member I have been vegging under a 4ft 6 bulb T5 flouro. I was going to runa SCROG and flower with the T5, but now I am thinking that I will get an HPS. My cabinet is 4'x2'x4'. I was wonering if 1 400w HPS would spread enough light to cover the area. Obviously, the concern is if it will reach the far edges of the cab.

Thanks a ton!
1 should be fine. i did that in that foot print once. I found that 24" t12's on end on the walls helped take up the slack on the far walls. (they run cool enough that if you have good ventilation you can lay the buds right up against them...) at 400 the closer you can get it to the canopy the better.
a 400w HPS will blow your head out of the room:)
i have also one of it and man ! i can tell yahh its have to be enough...i hope my english is right pls corect me then i learn that:D
i can put around 2-3 plant but than its going to be very nice, big bushy, or i can put around 5-6 plant if you get some of these new variation of lowryder and rest...
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