Sour Diesel Autos RQS! Fox Farms soil: plant health!


Well-Known Member
Hello! Newbie grower here.
2 Sour Diesel autos in 5 gal fabric pot
17 Days from sprout
50/50 ffof/ffhf unfortunately no added perlite
2x4x6 tent
Hlg 260w v2 rspec 25in @ 25% roughly not exact no kilometer or lux meter
4in vivosun inline kit
4in vivosun carbon filter exhaust kit
Well water no nutrients yet have already purchased ff trio and fox farm soluble trio
So my question is how are my girls are looking? I thought they looked pretty healthy, until recent they have got a slight droop in the leaves. Also it looks like some wilting. I thought it was under watering so I did a heavier watering 2 days ago and they did not perk back up. Could it be light stress or some kind of deff. Any input would be great here for knowledge.


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How often do u water and how much?
Plants this early would prolly take a week or better to take the water out of a 5 gal pot.
U might just be lovin em too much
Its too much they are overwatered
Thats y they are drooping emilya will prolly be here before long she will get u on track for sure
Its too much they are overwatered
Thats y they are drooping emilya will prolly be here before long she will get u on track for sure
Her “How to water properly” write up is in my signature. I’d highly recommend giving it a read.
LOL and I was going to say underwatered.
Look dry to me especially at 40% humidity in veg.
If your soil is even close to decently aerated then it should be pretty hard to over water in a fabric pot.
I would water slowly with probably a GALLON of water with Yucca or Aloe vera to thoroughly soak the soil make sure theres no dry hydrophobic spots then let it dry down to "moist" not dry as a bone and water thoroughly again.
I guess it depends on humidity medium and temps but i use fabric pots and with a plant that size in a 5 gal it takes a few daaays
LOL and I was going to say underwatered.
Look dry to me.
If your soil is even close to decently aerated then it should be pretty hard to over water in a fabric pot.
I would water slowly with probably a GALLON of water with Yucca or Aloe vera to thoroughly soak the soil make sure theres no dry hydrophobic spots then let it dry down to "moist" not dry as a bone and water thoroughly again.
How do I go about adding yucca or aloe vera to my water? How much per gallon and in what form?
Your humidity is too low for veg.

I’d also recommend hanging your gauge vs. putting it in the pot.

I usually run 80-85F @ 65-70% RH during the day, and 70-75F @ 60-65% at night.

Follow Emilyas watering process to the T, but only for veg. It will change once you flower.

My 5g felts would go 5 days for a full wet to dry cycle watering. (It’ll make sense after you read that write up) once a week I would water till runoff, plus another qt.

Now I’m in 7 gallon felt watering 6 plants @ 5 gallons every other day besides when I’m going to do the weekly feed with compost tea. I usually give 3 days of dry, then they take about 12 gallons between the 6 of them.

Because I have so much air moving, the tops and edges would always dry up fairy quick, so I ended up doing about a qt. of top watering in the middle of the week.

You can buy some size 3 perlite, or throw some clay balls on the top to help with the tops drying out. I’ve also seen folks use clovers or mulch. I’ve done both clay and perils and they see to work equally well.


How do I go about adding yucca or aloe vera to my water? How much per gallon and in what form?
Search the product you want and there should be a schedule to follow.
Should I wait to water till tomorrow when I pick up some or water tonight?
Well that's up to you, you're the one that's right there so you know how dry they are, it's hard to tell in pics.
To me just in the pics they look dry as hell, but pics can be deceiving.
But, its always good to have a wetting agent for the soil and Yucca also feeds the microbes.
Aloe is also good as a wetting agent for foliar.
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