spider mites from hell


New Member
Hi folks, I just joined your site because it looks like it will be just what the doctor ordered. I have been fighting spider mites for a couple of months now. The little bastards refuse to give up. I have tried spraying a 40-60 mixture of propyl alcohol and water, spraying off the plants with the garden hose until it looked like I killed the plants, I bought some "No Spider Mite" solution, I bought 500 lady bugs and released them in the grow room and sprayed them over and over with water bur nothing works. Here is a picture of one of the buds that I couldn't see from where I stood.


I am absolutely sick about this. I have babied these plants since Christmas and now I am going to have to toss the plants.. Any idea's? What should I do to my room before I plant more?
Once you have had an infestation of spider mites its pretty much impossible to get rid of all of them. They will hibernate in the walls or soil for up to 8 months. I always bug bomb after every grwo, keep the humidity high, and when I see a couple pop up I use a Hot Shot no pest strip and hang it for about ten days and turn the fans off till I take it down. I rarely see a spider mite any more.
Thanks guys, I will give that a try. This crop is pretty much garbage now, so I am going to get everything out of the room and bug bomb the crap out of it. After that, I think I will make double sure and bleach the entire room. The room is only 8ft by 4ft so it shouldn't be too tough.. The Hot Shot no pest strip, does it collect these little nasty suckers? What a huge disappointment after 5 months of treating my plants like one of my kids. Oh well, jonesing again for another 6 month's. The feds are so onto busting everyone in Montana for medical MJ, it is scary to even go buy it from the providers.
Well, I pulled my babies out of the pots, stuffed them in garbage bags and deposited them in the nearest dumpster. Wasted 5 months.. Ordered White Widow seeds and will be starting over when they arrive. I am going to paint my grow room bright white after I bug bomb the crap out of things. Any suggestions what to use to kill any of those little suckers (Spider Mites) that are hiding somewhere? I DO NOT want this to happen again. My plants where doing sooooo good and now they are gone. What a bummer :( Oh well, such is life...
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