Spots on leaves


420 Member
Hey all, new on here. I've been having an issue with spots appearing on my leaves, tends to be mostly on the lowers. When it started it was almost as if the top layer of the leaf was kind of peeling off in spots. I'm running Elites line along with silica blast, all DWC. Since noticing the problem I have upped the ph, was running around 5.8. Upped it to closer to 6.1, 6.2 to increase cal mg absorption while also adding additional cal mg to the feed because I had wondered about a deficiency. I am using RO water, we do have a softner which I flip the bypass for when pumping water.

I'm curious as to if the softened water could still be in the lines and running through the RO or not causing a lockout of some sort? Also growing in cocoa which usually requires extra cal mg as well from what I've come to understand.
Or does this look like some sort of disease? I'm kind of at a loss which is why I am reaching out. Thank you any experienced advice is very welcomed!


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