Storing cvaults in fridge


Well-Known Member
Hi anyone know if this might be a ok idea?
have been dry/curing a small batch of tests flowers inside a cvault with a 62% boveda and a caliber4 hygrometer.

i have noticed the temp in the cvault has been arpund 75F.
would it be ok to put the entire sealed cvault in the fridge to keep temps down?
i am planning on a full harvest within the next week so was trying to fix the issues now with the test batch now
The fridge will probably pause the curing, 40f is too cool for the curing process to happen.
If the curing is done,then the fridge is a great place to keep them,they'll stay fresh forever (practically)
The fridge will probably pause the curing, 40f is too cool for the curing process to happen.
If the curing is done,then the fridge is a great place to keep them,they'll stay fresh forever (practically)

awesome that answered my question.
and didnt know that but now i do
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