Storing seeds


Well-Known Member
39 seeds have just been dropped in my lap. Unknown strain, unfortunately my room is full of my first grow ever. So I need to know how to store the seeds.
I’ve found that if I take seeds and store in opaque aspirin bottles (plastic) with a silica pack I can store in the fridge for years, u can substitute silica pack with a few grains of uncooked rice if needed.
And don’t overcrowd use more bottles instead. Imo
been keeping mine in the freezer, but have been thinking about changing that. I like what @Bud does. probably will copy that with the rice.
Thank you very much. BTW... I have 16 clones in a ez cloner that sprays the water on the roots.. Most of them have roots 1 to 2 inches long. When do I put them in soil?
When you refrigerate or freeze your seeds in a closed baggie or them until they are brought up to room temp unless you are using all of the seeds immediately. Moisture will condense and ruin your other seeds. They can handle temperature changes but moisture will ruin them.
I keep mine in a small igloo cooler in my fridge to keep them at a constant temp. I keep some dessicant packs in there to handle any condensation from opening the container. They are best stored at between 4-8% rh.
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