Never fear folks....It's the internet and we can continue our search for the truth. The key is what shall we believe?

More terpene discussion

I say we believe the chemistry. Terpenes are typically hydrophobic, terpenoids aren't, and the higher the polarity of the terpenoids the more water soluble they'd be. That's great information to have on hand.

What made me happiest was that myrcene and linallol were both relatively unscathed. It's myrcene that's charged with assisting the cannabinoids through the blood/brain barrier, and linalool is a major emotional balm. You want these two in there if at all possible.

Thank you Jim, for chasing this down. :hug: :love:
Hi folks,

Sorry to interrupt!

I've just made some more oil and thought i would share this pic. Only 2x washes this time. No loss of Yield that i can notice. I also skipped the last 24hrs winterisation

Beautiful golden color there Chewey. Well done. I believe the third wash may be a waste of solvent myself. If not satisfied with the pull I could see pouring a small quantity of solvent over the material at the end of draining the second wash, but I've checked my plant material under magnification after the second wash and found no capped trichomes at all, just empty stalks. That solvent's expensive, if you're talking 90% or above ethanol.
Please help me spread this message as widely as we can on site. Thanks. :love:

OK guys, let's talk a minute. While watching the seminar there was discussion that included reference to an article on the proper way to inhale cannabis and the surprise that most of us have been doing it wrong most of our lives. I went looking for the article and came across it over at Green Flower Media.

So let me ask the gathering....... How many of you hold your hit as long as you can? Yep, me too. As long as I've smoked that was the challenge. How incredibly misguided. :straightface:

After reading the explaination of how the lungs are structured and the speed with which THC is absorbed - that would be almost instantaneously - I found myself wondering how, as an educator, this had never occurred to me. If the cannabinoids are absorbed that quickly there's no reason to hold your breath.

So stop doing that. Right now please. Be kind to your lungs. You're still going to get all your meds, and you're still going to get high.

Do yourself a favor though, and wait a minute before you take that next hit or vape pull. It takes about that long for the THC to get into the brain and start attaching. Might as well let them do their thing and see if maybe that was enough.

I know, I've always just kept smoking until I got to the edge and slipped over into free fall. When I think of all the money and cannabis I wasted over the years it's chilling. I'm going to explore this new smoking paradigm. Maybe some of you will do the same. The thrifty Scot in me will be happier with this decision. :laughtwo:

Just 'cause I care about you. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Sue, Perhaps a tad off topic, but I thought this Honey Bee Cannabis was ingenious.

Best Of Buds


Amazing possibilities. I got really excited about this while I was reading it. Wow! Just think! I'd be interested in seeing some test results of the honey, wouldn't you?

I just signed up for an on line course at Green Flower Media on Cannabis Delivery and Dosing, taught by a liscensed physician working with cannabis therapies for well over the past decade. There's bound to be a wealth of relevant information to share as I work my way through it.

I expect this will keep me pretty well tied up for the next week. You wouldn't believe how excited I am to find this course. Next month I'll take the one on Cannabis treatment for insomnia.

I feel like I've gone back to school. Calling this thread a study hall was more appropriate than I initially thought. :laughtwo:
That is exciting news Sue, I really look forward to reading what you learn from the course. I'm especially interested in the treatment of insomnia with MM. I've been working and studying MM and it's applications concerning insomnia, which I do experience fairly regularly. I'm a 4 hour a night at best sleeper, and that just not healthy. Adequate and quality sleep is critical to live with a healthy body and mind, and I am hoping you learn some things that will apply to your new life work. I think your calling is MM!
Best Of Buds


Well Oops! I don't intentionally break rules on here, sorry moderators! Won't happen again. I just loved the story so much I wanted to share it with you.

That is exciting news Sue, I really look forward to reading what you learn from the course. I'm especially interested in the treatment of insomnia with MM. I've been working and studying MM and it's applications concerning insomnia, which I do experience fairly regularly. I'm a 4 hour a night at best sleeper, and that just not healthy. Adequate and quality sleep is critical to live with a healthy body and mind, and I am hoping you learn some things that will apply to your new life work. I think your calling is MM!
Best Of Buds



I almost took that course first, because, as you know, I struggle with the same thing, and although I laugh it off most of the time, I'm in close enough contact with my own body to notice that more sleep would be better.

Then I saw this course and that was all she wrote. I nearly jumped through the screen to sign up. :laughtwo:

Have you had any success with treating your own insomnia with cannabis? The doctor that teaches that course says it's the control of the THC to CBD ratios that make the difference. I'm looking forward to that one too. I promised myself only one course purchase a month. This could easily get out of hand if I let it. Lol!
The terpene info was fabulous! Thanks. I'd been there before but neglected to grab the link. I bookmarked it this time.

I just realized over at Cajun's thread that we hadn't addressed making hash oil. This is something that I believe should be showcased as well, so if anyone has experience that you'd like to share I'd appreciate it. I'm running out to procure some mint plants for my garden and when I get back I have Callanetics and that course on Delivery and Dosing to dive into. I'm saving it like a treat. :laughtwo: This means I don't have time today to attend to the hash oil oversight myself.

Yes, I could just put it off, but I'm interested in whether any of you have made any oil with hash and what you learned from your personal experience.
I would love to post my Friday night Hash Oil making session, but I failed somewhere in the process. I have never used 99% ISO before, always Grain Ethanol, so perhaps that might be part of the failure. Maybe next time I'll succeed! Bummer to waste great hash, but things happen. If I never experienced failure, I might get a big head. Karma keeping me grounded ...

Best Of Buds


Have you had any success with treating your own insomnia with cannabis? The doctor that teaches that course says it's the control of the THC to CBD ratios that make the difference.

I have tried several strains and oil mixtures, no really consistent sleep help yet. There are many other strains that I haven't tried yet, I wish the time required from seed to cured bud was a little quicker sometimes, but patience is critical. So many strains left to try, and I'm far from discouraged. I hope to find a strain I can vape in bed that just knocks me out, but I can't say I've ever been knocked out by THC. In general, Indica or Sativa, I don't remember MJ ever making me yawn or sleepy, but I don't think I've tried but perhaps 10% of the strains now available! Here's to soaking more beans! Enjoy your courses Sue, keep that brain cranked up.

Best of Buds


I would love to post my Friday night Hash Oil making session, but I failed somewhere in the process. I have never used 99% ISO before, always Grain Ethanol, so perhaps that might be part of the failure. Maybe next time I'll succeed! Bummer to waste great hash, but things happen. If I never experienced failure, I might get a big head. Karma keeping me grounded ...

Best Of Buds



:rofl: We wouldn't want them to have to widen the doorways so your big head could get through. Humility is a good thing.
Goryo, I went searching through my notes and wandered around the Internet for the greater part of the past couple hours and this old conversation from captured what I believe is the best recipe I've seen for making oil from hash. I left more of the conversation intact because pasha makes some good points.

"I want to carry out an extraction on some mid grade un-adulterated hash from Morocco. I say mid grade because its not bubble hash or isolator or anything, just nice quality solid. Anyway my point is that I want to know what would be better to do, Butane extraction or isopropyl extraction. and what sort of yield would i be looking at from doing that, considering the starting products and appropriate extraction method.

Any wisdom?

02-10-2013, 03:55
"I just turn my hash into oil in a few easy steps. I don't bother freezing it or putting it in the oven or whatever else I see on recipes.

1 - crumble the hash into a jar
2 - add iso until the hash is covered
3 - shake for 30-60 seconds
4 - run it through a coffee filter
5 - let the iso dry out

For me, the yield usually varies depending on the amount of time I've let the hash sit in the solvent and the quality of the hash."

02-10-2013, 10:04
"what sorta yield would i expect from let say 100 grams, on a good day?"

02-10-2013, 15:28
"It's really difficult to predict. The oil is basically what holds the plant matter together. The higher the quality, the more oil you get.

If I have good hash I usually get a 15x15 cm square about 1/4 of an inch thick of oil. That's from a 200 milligram slab of hash. If you do the process right, which isn't really difficult at all, you should get pretty much everything. So by weight I'd guess it'd be about 120 milligrams.

If you wanna be absolutely certain you get everything shake the hash for the full 60 seconds. You'll get a little bit of plant matter as well but you'll guarantee that you have all the oil.

I suggest you try doing a small piece first. Or several small pieces and experiment until you find the right method. That's what I did until I found the perfect way to do it with the hash I have."


You want a solvent that's 190 proof or better. You're in Germany, which I believe means you can get ISO that's 99% and is much purer than we get in the states. If you're using ISO, I came across an interesting technique where the hash was placed in a coffee filter and then submerged in enough ISO to just cover it.

From THC Farmer:

pugliese63"I've done something very similar with both dry sift and bubble. I used 99% iso alcohol which you can usually find at nail supply stores. I took the hash, placed in a coffee filter and submersed it into the iso. I gave it a minute or two just to make sure it was dissolved and pulled filter out. What was left was a minimum amount of what would be described as a cork like material. I purged/evaporated it on a heating pad and then let it finish on its on for about a week. I'll agree 100% with SCFSYNDICATE760, it produced some of the smoothest and strongest concentrates that I've been able to make yet. No residue at all. Has a beautiful caramel like consistency and look."


Evaporating out the solvent can be done as easily as using a double boiler, the same way we do with our bud washes. This way you can watch the solvent evaporate off. The bubbles from the alcohol are larger and more sporadic in size. The bubbles from decarbing are small and uniform. If you're shooting for the highest level of THC you want to stop just as the solvent has been purged and the bubbles are all small and uniform in size. This is impossible to miss. Don't stress about absolute times here, just keep an eye and pull it after the bubbles have all obviously changed in size. The oil's a bit runnier at this stage than if you let it go through the entire decarb, until there are no bubbles at all.

This will give you basic oil. If you choose to use some of that to create capsules we have a recipe for making them much more bioavailable so you don't lose 80% of the cannabinoids through elimination and metabolization. Using suppositories you're already more bioavailable, because they're made with coco butter.

Badkittysmiles has a recipe for making oil with hash and filling capsules that uses a carrier oil and lecithin to speed absorbtion and increase bioavailability. Reading over that for the hundredth time I can't help thinking there has to be a way to make suppositories that actually hold together using this addition. Chewey tried and couldn't get it to work and then his friend passed away and we stopped trying. I think I'm going to have to make more oil myself and play with this process until I can get it to work. The lecithin is too valuable a component in this process and I agree with BadKitty, it should be included on some level with all cannabis recipes and concoctions.

With Chewey we settled on as little as 5 grams of lecithin for every gram of CCO, and that may work well with suppositories. If you want to experiment with this get liquid sunflower lecithin. I don't have enough oil at the moment to experiment myself, or I would. As soon as I can, I'll get on this project.

I have a gram of oil in storage. Maybe I'll pick up some coco butter and make a partial batch. I have no need for suppositories myself, but I haven't tried one yet and that's kind of what the study hall is about. Then I can put this confusion to bed once and for all. Alright, I convinced myself. You make oil and I'll play with the suppositories and lecithin to see if I can stabilize the mix. Then I can share the results with you. Deal? I won't waste anything because what I can't use for suppositories I can put in capsules or turn into smoothies.

I hope this is useful for you. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions. In this room more so than others we encourage questions and revel in seeking out the answers. Well, I relish that. :laughtwo: I don't know if I can speak for the rest of the crew, but tracking down and making all of this information available and easy to understand makes me a bit giddy. Lol!

Ok, I'm dead tired now and it's time to climb into bed. Thank you Goryo, I learned quite a bit digging this out for you and I'll finally have some workable answers to the process of incorporating the bio bomb to suppositories.
I have tried several strains and oil mixtures, no really consistent sleep help yet. There are many other strains that I haven't tried yet, I wish the time required from seed to cured bud was a little quicker sometimes, but patience is critical. So many strains left to try, and I'm far from discouraged. I hope to find a strain I can vape in bed that just knocks me out, but I can't say I've ever been knocked out by THC. In general, Indica or Sativa, I don't remember MJ ever making me yawn or sleepy, but I don't think I've tried but perhaps 10% of the strains now available! Here's to soaking more beans! Enjoy your courses Sue, keep that brain cranked up.

Best of Buds



Hey JB, If you are looking for a good sleep try converting your cannabis to CBN. I would use a "heavy" indica and leave it on a plate exposed to air and light for a week or so or until you see it turn a little brownish or dull looking. You then can make oil from it that will be more sedative. I prefer this method over trying to decarb your oil longer & at higher temps( no risk of burning).
Is this the page you were trying to link?

The case for ingestion: Is ingesting essential oils safe?

She has amazing information on essential oils, doesn't she? I'm going to have to explore further there. The girl knows her stuff. Some of those concoctions she's posted are rather inticing.

Also Sue, going to the grocery store and going to grab a few bundles of lemongrass. I plan on extracting the oil from the lemongrass to see if it will be feasible and safer then the essential oils. Not sure if i will yield much oil this way or not?..I figure i will mixed the lemongrass oil with the CCO at a 4-1 cco to lemongrass. Will then get some willing participants to try this in normal cco ingesting and edibles. May even try adding a bit to my "bio-bombs". I will post what i come up with. May be a little while since i have to go back to Fort Mac to finsh the "Shutdown". should know in a month.
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