Tall tales about trees. real or not? tell yours


New Member
so pretty much we all know people that have these crazy stories about some weed they saw or some crazy impossible plant or what not.

I'll start off with a few. so this one weirdo who used to work the night shift down at the quick stop just wouldnt shut up about this mythical pot plant that was like tree in san jose or something. he said they maintained it and kept it going for years while budding it every season? it had bark pretty much and pranches over 12 feet long? lolll i wish. maybe you never know...

another guy told me how when he was young his uncle used to smoke bunch of pot in the back seat and throw his stems and seeds all over the floor and over the summer pot plants grow in his carpet becuse it was so dirty? i guess. this guy doesnt make up stories either but i mean... wtf?

and of course. bright blue weed. lies!! liess!! show me. i dont mean just a little i mean allll over
We used to grow a strain of local weed in the 70's called Meigs County Red or Big Bud,depending on where you lived in the general area. It was a big Sativa to begin with,but about '75 a couple of guys treated their seed with colchicine to genetically turn the strain from a diploid to a polyploid plant.

Before the chemical application the strain grew from 8-12 feet. Afterwards I'd say 10 feet was the low end of the scale for that strain. My cousin had some of the altered strain growing behind an old barn in '77,it was growing higher than the lower eaves of the barn by late August. By the time he cut it come October it had to be in the 18-20 foot range.

They were huge plants. You'd be in the woods hunting in late fall and run across what would look like a bunch of small tree stumps. It would take a few seconds to realize you'd run across an old grow site of the Red.

It's still grown here and there where OH,WV,and KY come together,but regular helicopter patrols did in the Red on a large scale. I was given some a while back,it still had that same sneaky nail you to the floor high. I really miss the days when that weed was available nearly year round.

BTW,one of the guys who did the original alteration to that strain is none too happy that someone swiped the Big Bud name for a puny lil' bush grown indoors. If you've got a Dutch accent I'd stay out of Meigs County.
I ounce caught a 50lb bass, cut it open and i found 4 kilos of vacuum sealed primo buds.... prove me wrong...:smokin:
Thats my weed man. I was using it as bait to try and catch a shark. It slows em down a bit:rofl: Prove me wrong.:rofl:
Thats my weed man. I was using it as bait to try and catch a shark. It slows em down a bit:rofl: Prove me wrong.:rofl:

Nice try but it caught it in fresh water, aint never heard of no fresh water sharks... :slide:
Nice try but it caught it in fresh water, aint never heard of no fresh water sharks... :slide:

You wouldn't have. UNLESS you've seen one 15km's up a freshwater river.
Many Aussies have seen 'em in fresh mate. Same as seeing freshwater crocs 3kms out to sea. Animals just like our favourite plants have the amazing ability to adapt to different environments. Hot temps, cold temps, high R/H, low R/H, long/short winters,long/short summers,salty water,fresh water, high acid/alk, low acid/alk and high and low rainfall or different arrays of nutes and trace elements.
Even us humans are good at it, if enough of us smoke enough ganja for long enough we'll have ultra high capacity lungs and bong-like noses:rofl::thumb::peacetwo:
They occasionally find bull sharks way inland in the States. They've actually found them as far inland as the lower Missouri and Ohio Rivers. That's 500 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. Bull sharks are the main man killers on the East Coast.

Way back when,I had some cousins who lived in S.E. Florida. About once a week they'd go out on the boat looking for what they called "Great Black Grouper" or bales of Colombian weed wrapped in black garbage bags floating offshore that had been dumped by smugglers being chased by the Coast Guard.

They didn't get lucky very often,but when they did it was to the tune of 40 to 60 pounds of free weed. I think everyone that had something that would float down that way hunted for the great black grouper in those days.
We used to grow a strain of local weed in the 70's called Meigs County Red or Big Bud,depending on where you lived in the general area. It was a big Sativa to begin with,but about '75 a couple of guys treated their seed with colchicine to genetically turn the strain from a diploid to a polyploid plant.

Before the chemical application the strain grew from 8-12 feet. Afterwards I'd say 10 feet was the low end of the scale for that strain. My cousin had some of the altered strain growing behind an old barn in '77,it was growing higher than the lower eaves of the barn by late August. By the time he cut it come October it had to be in the 18-20 foot range.

They were huge plants. You'd be in the woods hunting in late fall and run across what would look like a bunch of small tree stumps. It would take a few seconds to realize you'd run across an old grow site of the Red.

It's still grown here and there where OH,WV,and KY come together,but regular helicopter patrols did in the Red on a large scale. I was given some a while back,it still had that same sneaky nail you to the floor high. I really miss the days when that weed was available nearly year round.

BTW,one of the guys who did the original alteration to that strain is none too happy that someone swiped the Big Bud name for a puny lil' bush grown indoors. If you've got a Dutch accent I'd stay out of Meigs County.

dude i swear to god i hve heard something like this but it wasn't the plant's growth size they altered. i heard that those 50%+ strains (ha funny i know) are actually decendants of government testing. they dipped a plant in some acid and it make the buds that plant produced lethal. but! the seeds that came off them were a mutant strain tht had 50%+ thc.

this sounds really far fetched to me but i remember the guy at the sq found a good sized nug in the back of the stoor and it had no green in it at all. not a single spec. after g-13 was made by the government too :p reminds me of the mcdonalds commercials "hey, it could happen" :p ya right
Colchicine is a poison that stays with the first generation grown from the treated seeds. You collect the seeds from the first generation and chuck the weed. The second generation is your polyploid base,and yes,potency does jump significantly as does everything else about the plant,general size,bud density,etc.....

The research on it's use was govt. project in the 40's when many hemp sources were cut off by the war. Weed heads knocking around in college libraries started rediscovering the data in the late 60's/early 70's. The supposed reason the govt. dropped it's research on colchicine in the 40's was the big jump in psychoactive cannabinols in even the most low grade hemp.

As widely as it was used by growers in the 70's,I would guess most of today's designer strains have a colchicine induced polyploid deep in the family tree.

Colchicine is toxic as Hell even in handling. There are safer ways to induce polyplodism into your home crafted strains these days.
I guess you have never heard of a bull shark. found as far in land as alton illinois in the mississippi river.:peacetwo:

Your killing me here... killing me...:straightface:
We used to grow a strain of local weed in the 70's called Meigs County Red or Big Bud,depending on where you lived in the general area. It was a big Sativa to begin with,but about '75 a couple of guys treated their seed with colchicine to genetically turn the strain from a diploid to a polyploid plant.

Before the chemical application the strain grew from 8-12 feet. Afterwards I'd say 10 feet was the low end of the scale for that strain. My cousin had some of the altered strain growing behind an old barn in '77,it was growing higher than the lower eaves of the barn by late August. By the time he cut it come October it had to be in the 18-20 foot range.

They were huge plants. You'd be in the woods hunting in late fall and run across what would look like a bunch of small tree stumps. It would take a few seconds to realize you'd run across an old grow site of the Red.

It's still grown here and there where OH,WV,and KY come together,but regular helicopter patrols did in the Red on a large scale. I was given some a while back,it still had that same sneaky nail you to the floor high. I really miss the days when that weed was available nearly year round.

BTW,one of the guys who did the original alteration to that strain is none too happy that someone swiped the Big Bud name for a puny lil' bush grown indoors. If you've got a Dutch accent I'd stay out of Meigs County.

I don't remember Meigs County Red, but I do remember Meigs County Gold. Them ole boys in the Appalachian foothills grew a lot of it, and I hear it could give Columbian a run for its money. That stuff was known EVERYWHERE. I went out to Chicago once and every time somebody heard I was from Ohio, I was bombarded with requests for MCG like it was worth its weight in hundred dollar bills. Never saw a speck of it, though.
another guy told me how when he was young his uncle used to smoke bunch of pot in the back seat and throw his stems and seeds all over the floor and over the summer pot plants grow in his carpet becuse it was so dirty? i guess. this guy doesnt make up stories either but i mean... wtf?

I've actually seen this happen twice, once in a friends car and once in my own. What happened was seeds got thrown or dropped on the floor in the back seat, which later had water spilled on it, and they germinated in the carpeting, got about six inches tall before anyone noticed them.
I don't remember Meigs County Red, but I do remember Meigs County Gold. Them ole boys in the Appalachian foothills grew a lot of it, and I hear it could give Columbian a run for its money. That stuff was known EVERYWHERE. I went out to Chicago once and every time somebody heard I was from Ohio, I was bombarded with requests for MCG like it was worth its weight in hundred dollar bills. Never saw a speck of it, though.

It's the same weed,the Gold turned that color from going a little later into the fall than the Red. In fact,I never knew anyone in the region who called it Meigs County Gold,I always heard that name was used to sell it in the big midwestern cities,where it sold for 150-180 bucks an ounce in the late 70's. We all called it county pot,Big Bud,or the Red.

You had to related to or friends with someone down that way to get it regularly,my Grandmother's family was from Meigs County and I grew up just across the river in WV. It was the local smoke. Colombian didn't come close to that shit,IMO. If you were a local you could pick up a ziplock sandwich bag stuffed full of the sidebud for around 30 bucks.

I had a relative who would let his go as long as it could. It would get a purple tinge to it. To this day it's the best Stateside grown weed I've ever smoked.

It's too bad it's not around like it was,but there's no way they could get away with growing that stuff on such a large scale forever.

The beginning of that strain dates back to 1964 according to folks in the know. No wonder people were seeing Mothman across the river come 1966. LOL.
I had a friend with an old dodge dart that had pot growing out of the floormats. We took a few of the sprouts and finished growing them outdoors, we called it carpet weed. Not to bad if I must say so myself. 1982 was a good year for carpet weed.
thankyou firestone. thats exactly what i was looking for. if only i could get my hands on some :p

i think white rhino might have that in it's dna. i have yet to see anything other than insane looking WR. i know genetics can go a long ways but seriously... cannabis shouldnt be above 20-30% i hate these clubs that "claim" you can test the thc and everything in there is like 40%+ its bs. maybe one in a hundred strains you will come across on the street are going to be even 25%+
I've never bought those numbers either as the best Indian and Nepali hash seized back in the day used to test out in Govt. labs in India and the States at 15-25% THC and would rip your head off.

Honestly,once you get above about a 10-12% THC content you're talking about a one to two hit product that's going to put you on your ass for a couple-three hours. Of course if your tolerance builds up,that can play a factor,but 25% THC weed? I didn't just fall off the pumpkin wagon.
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