Tank's Soil Sour Cream Grow Journal 2019: First Grow


420 Member
4x4x8 tent
Cloudline exhaust/thermostat
Miracle-Gro Performance Organics soil
Tiger Bloom nutrients
Bedroom fans

Wife and I found a seed in an ounce of Sour Cream, so we soaked it in a paper towel and thought we'd take a crack at growing.

Once the seed opened herself we transplanted to a large pot filled with Miracle-Gro Performance Organics soil. Light was a florescent desk lamp for a few weeks then swapped for an Ace hardware grow bulb in a desk lamp, on for 24 hours.

It grew beautifully and soon after, I met a budtender neighbor who gave me pointers on training and nutrients. I started doing monthly fish fertilizer with, in hindsight, was heavy handed. From there, I explored online for knowledge, gleaning mostly YouTubers Indica Institute and GreenGenes Garden. My wife gave me a bigger allowance to support my grow so I moved my young lady into a 4x4x8 Secret tent, CFL light, cloudline exhaust and elastic trellis.

With YouTubes help I experimented with different training techniques to create this massive bush

Which I just successfully defoliated today.

I'm starting this journal in approximately week 1 of flower. Last week I noticed a change in the tops of the canopy, asked my friend, he said it wants to flower, I said hell yeah!!

Sunday I changed the light cycle to 12on/12off. I picked up a bottle of Tiger Bloom and have started watering with nutes every other day. Today, we defoliated for light as well as took trims for clones.

We DIYed a clone box and potted them in paper cups with Happy Frog Ocean Forest soil. Clone trims were treated with a variety of: honey, honey tea or Arrowhead water to see what works. They'll be under the same grow bulb mama grew up on 24/7 inside the DIY box.

I'm late to journal because I discovered this site only just this morning

Here's to your grow


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Little ladies are looking much healthier today after an extra trim last night

I've been googling as I go with this grow, quite a learning curve with the trim technique.
Hey all, first update. Mama is looking fierce with her bushiness coming back.
Buds are plumping niecely.

I'm watering one gallon every day, Tiger Bloom added to the gallon on M, W, F. Light at 12 on 12 off, Tiger Bloom foliant spray at bedtime.

Clones are starting their shrivel stage but their color is holding.

I've been adding a cup of water if it looked or felt dry. I initially overwatered and had to cut drains so I'm doing what I can. I have been using the Tiger Bloom foliant spray at their bedtime as well.

Other than I've done little else apart from keeping it below 80 with light off and above 65 with the light off. So far though, she is thriving!!!


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It's been a busy week, had a water leak from Mother's pot so I've backed off the watering to using the finger method and adding a gallon with nutes if needed, which has turned out to every other day, no runoff from underneath since.

She's bushing beautifully, I pinched and bent a couple that grew too close the light, they've come around nicely


Buds are bulbing nicely, starting to cluster everywhere



She's got a very cheesy spinach aroma, it's wonderful. Hoping for a Valentine's Day harvest if not a smoke. The strain info sources I've looked at have various flowering times from 8-12 weeks, so I'm winging it, as usual


Oh and the clones are looking sad but I've got fingers crossed for a couple of them, no pic, sorry



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With a month left until harvest I repotted the mama plant today. It was recommended by some fellow growers to help my roots strengthen. It also gave me a chance to untangle some of this bush


As is always is the goal, we spent zero money as a neighbor just gifted us some compost and we had the whole rest of the soil from starting the clones.


We mixed up the soil and compost in a large grocery tote. We used a standard 27 gallon storage bin. Why? Cause we had one and it's big enough. We used tin shears and a razor blade to cut away the pot


The root ball was beautiful and there was zero stench or any signs of rot.


Beautiful root ball peeking


Once cut away, we ruffled the outer roots before placing it on a couple inches of soil mix.


The hardest part was doing all of this with the trellis net preventing movement but we managed to get it into the bin


The project was not without refugees


Success, Skully McSkullversons new home


The colas are drooping for now, most likely due to bound roots, hoping for a speedy recovery.

Clone update
One has officially been tossed, the rest have been rehomed to the kitchen and looking pretty good so far. I cut a trim for wife as a flower to be cute, but it's been hanging in there inside a water bottle so we moved it to a clay pot.

It's been an emotional rollercoaster but shes praying beautifully and getting stiff!!


I don't know where Skully got the oscillating fan but I've learned not to question him.


The canopy was somewhat entangled and lollipopping gave me the opportunity to assist milady's arms through the net opening her up to air and light.

The smaller branches below the canopy were removed. This ensures nutrients are only going to the canopy where the buds are stacking.


Those deemed unworthy to proceed were hung and dried.



Despite their size, they're beautiful



Still young but I've been dosing with her for almost a week now just with the trim buds I've mentioned and I'm so happy with it. It's not a long high but that will come. I'm stoked for the future!!


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