The Best you have ever smoked

the best ever smoked was some shit a couple years ago out of a sick bong, i went to this guys house to buy a 1/2 and ended up smoking his personals, i had a body high for like 5 hours, ive smoked great shit since then, but nothing can beat that.
Probably some White Russian I had once. Was beautiful stuff, great body and mind high. I felt really creative and I could write music in my head so much easier. I felt pretty couch locked too though ha ha.
while the red hot chili peppers were playing in boston the guy in the seat in front of me gave me two free bowl packs of blueberry. dammmn that shit was good
The best shit I've smoked was some fresh cut purple weed. I'm not sure what strain it really was. Most people around here can't tell you what it really is. Its very hard to find anything great around here.
I remember I had some shit that got you super high for a few hours, from only a couple of hits from the bowl XD
I don't know,I've had some real beautiful weed tonight which is the dog's bollocks of weed and expencive at £25.00 for 2.5g, and some real smooth gypsie last night which is the cheepest and crappest you can get here and cost's £10.00 for a quarter!
In no particular order:
Apollo 11 - for its warm, euphoric, and soaring high, copious amount of resin and an aroma of fresh tangerines soaked in pineapple juice. Stellar smoke, though can be a bit racy if one overindulges.

Sweettooth #3 - for the calm, sedating, and blissful stupor it induces. Smells of fresh squeezed mango juice, Delish.

Outdoor Superskunk - Rock hard buds and incredibly well cured. Smells acrid like fermented fruit when busted up, Very stoney and fuzzyheaded. Will derail ones train of thought.

Isis - Extremely oily/greasy and sticky, Smells of a fuel of sorts. Electric, pyschedelic and very spacey buzz; your mind wanders incessantly like a nomad with no herd to follow. For this reason I only use it on special occasions, as it's much too intense for daily use.

California Orange - Ridiculously plump and frosty buds, though very light despite its girth. "Punch in the face" smoke with a spectacularly elated and warm buzz, gave me a fuzzy tingling sensation which consumed my entire body (for atleast 1hr) upon exhale of the second or third toke.

Hogsbreath - Heavy, mature nuggets with a thick blanket of resin (like little albino stones). After preparing a small nug I took a good whiff from the shotglass and my nostrils are assaulted with this foul, dank, almost putrid funk (with undertones of garlic and black pepper).
The putrid smell and pungency comes though strongly in the taste, making the smoke viscous and foul.The FX are wonderfully incapacitating; rendering one in a comatose state after 2 puffs. Simple processes become arduous and you become completely absorbed in the heaviness of the stone. The most debilitating herb I've ever encountered.

Those are all the strains that immediately come to mind though I know there's atleast a few more.
Best high - Thai stick, many years ago. The seller claimed that it had been dipped in opium. (A not uncommon claim.) Thai was around but this was super stuff. It was avaliable for a few months and then dried up. We went back to smoking regular pot, with the occasional occurance of Thai (normal Thai, not this super stuff.)

Best taste - some purple stuff a guy shared at Earth Dance.
andrew199@fro said:
That a tuffy! I would have to say some kush that my bro hooked me up with.NO,I change my mind it was some purple indica that I grew.NO,I know now it was northern lights that I got at a phish show.No wait it was some sour diesel that my buddy grew.Ok I give up, its imposable to name just one!

You went to a Phish show? I'm so jealous. I love Phish. Actually, two weeks ago, Trey Anastasio came to Ann Arbor to promote his new album. It was the best show I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few good ones. I was in such a great state of mind. I got to smoke herb with Rastafarian. Outside in an alleyway, it was amazing. He even had the Jamaican accent, the dreadlocks, the Rasta Tam. It was so awesome. I actually recorded the whole concert. It was so great.

Anyways, the best Buddha I've ever had is probably.... you know, I'm not sure. That really is a tough one. Obviously the White Rhino doesn't count. My friend had a pretty nice strain that came threw a few years back. Hmm. I don't know, I guess. We had some Purple Haze over this last summer. I think that may have been it. But partially because of the atmosphere. It was for sure the best time of my life.

:peace: Earth Child
I've got two best of experiences. The first one was Purple Haze. It was weird, bought it then realized we didn't have a pipe nor cash for fruit nor can. We headed into the basement and were giving the magiver eye to a 2x4 and a drill, but lucked out and found a small metle pipe that had been hidden under the stairs from the previous night's land lord raid. We packed this tiny bowl once, tougched it off, then sat one that gravel basement floor for two hours laughing our asses off and discussing who'd win in a fight, Optimus Prime or Optimus Primal.
Second one was on 4, 20. We gathered for a smoking celabration and one of us whips out a baggy with an uber dense bud in it. The thing was as orange as could be. We packed this little 1/8 bud of Orange Crush into a bong shaped like a budding flower and then, well... I don't really remember the rest of the day.
Ahh... love good bud...
sugarmagnolia said:
Hazy_Dayz said:
I could write music in my head so much easierQUOTE]

i love when that happens...too bad i can never remember what i think of

Ha ha, same here. I usually start hearing and making classical music in my head... It's too complicated for me to figure out and write down, I can only figure out a melody or two on my guitar, but figuring out a mini symphony is hard! :laughtwo:
sugarmagnolia said:
were you born in scotland?

Yep, my background is very un-Scottish though... I'm a mix of Norwegian, Irish and Polish. :laughtwo:
4DeuceZero said:
Good ol Skunk #1...straight from the grower for $50 a 8th. smoked some in a blunt while driving with 2 friends, ended up driving a half hour too far and had to turn around when we started seeing mountains and realized something wasn't right.

:laughtwo: Love it when that happens.

:peace: Earth Child
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