The Harvest


New Member
Have harvested Northern Lights, the plant grew up very nice, and have harvested the lil beauty, it used to smell wicked bad when it was growing, and right after trimming, now that it is in a dark closet curing, the sweet smell has gone and now smells like green grass, does it come back after its dry? perhaps I did something wrong? And if it smells like this, am worried that its going to taste bad and not be as potent as it used to smell, if that makes sence. Anyone have any info that might help? Im pretty sure i'm not supposed to spray it to keep it moist and delay the process as I believe this would cause mold to grow and I don't want this to happen.
any help would be GREAT

srry peeps its been awhile since i'v been on here
much Love Ya'll
Should come back during curing. From what I understand that grass smell is the chlorophyll dissipating. After its dry jar it up with some boveda paks and you should be good to least that is what I do. Do some searches on here...there are many ways to dry and cure.
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