The Noob

Active Member
Hello everyone this is my 6th grow but first time using coco coir. Hoping to see some good results with this medium.

Pot size: using small pots for the start but final container will be 5 gallons.
Medium: Coco coir and Perlite 60/40.
Lights: 1 450w Led (205) true and 1 300w Led (130) true
Grow Space: 4x4 Vivosun Grow Tent
Fans: 1 Jardin 6 inch monkey fan and 1 Ac Infinity 6 inch inline fan
Nutrients: Future harvest hollands secret personal grow box.
Strains: I am growing out 2 Tweed Bakerstreet ( Hindu Kush) and 4 seeds that I bred from bagseed throughout my last few grows Purple Urkle X Black indica. I Had 1 bagseed from a bag of trainwreck but sadly that seedling didnt make it.

Here they are at 1 week and 2 days.


My bagseed strain in the blue pots bakerstreet in the pink and trainwreck in the green.
Good luck with the grow, big fan of the trainwreck. :rollit:
Unfortunately the trainwreck bagseed didnt make it I was so disappointed. It popped up threw the coco then instantly was growing with a dried out cotyledon and died by the next day.

The other 6 are growing pretty good though. The Tweed bakerstreet is looking more sativa like then indica very wierd maybe things will change later on. I will update on friday.
Week 2 update.

Hey sorry guys it's an hour after friday little bit late lol been busy lately. I have been watering every second day with a 1/4th dose of nutrients 2ml micro 6ml grow 1 ml bloom 4 ml super b 2.5 ml cal nesium and 4ml prop o gator.

I'm seeing roots starting to show out of the bottoms ready for a transplant right away. Contemplating on whether to throw them into 2 gallon pots or just put them directly into their final container a 5 gallon home depot bucket. All growing great about to seperate 3 into another drip tray so they have more space.

Last night I wasn't too sure what I should do either transplant all 6 into 2 gallon pots or all 6 into 5 gallon pots. So I ended up choosing 5 gallons. I prepped the coco and charged it all up last night. On the last bucket I used to rehydrate pieces of the brick of coco I accidentally put too much in so when I added the water it totally deformed the bucket by expanding out way too much was so hard to get the pieces out of that bucket after probably took a good hour.

I was amazed the by the root growth judging by the roots on these bad boys they could have been transplanted probably last week. Going to let them settle into their new final pots for a bit before I start plant training.

1st picture is all of them
2nd is tweed bakerstreet
3rd is my bagseed strain
Week 4 update.
The girls are growing nicely topped them about 5 days ago just waiting for the new growth to grow up so I can start lst. They got kind of dry before watering and I had a few lower yellow leaves but nothing too serious I think the heat might have been a little high too.
They are looking good, are you feeding to run off daily?
I feed mine twice a day to run off, I never let my coco go dry.
They are looking good, are you feeding to run off daily?
I feed mine twice a day to run off, I never let my coco go dry.
Thanks and no I have been watering every second day until I transplanted from those super small pots and it wasnt able to drink it all for like 4 days so this time it 3 days just watered again today. Once those roots start shooting through the new pot should be able to drink it all up I hope. Going to start watering every second day again here right away then every day once the root mass is big enough.
The lower yellow leaves could be the plant telling you to up the feed strength a bit, they are loving their new homes, those roots love the leg room!
The lower yellow leaves could be the plant telling you to up the feed strength a bit, they are loving their new homes, those roots love the leg room!
Ya that last watering I did, I upped the nutrients to half strength of what it recommends for week 4 Veg. I can just see them taking off more and more each day. They recovered pretty fast from the topping too all but one plant reacted well to the topping but it was the plant my cat ending up attacking lol he ripped a few leaves off and tipped over the pot! The top turned into 2 but the lower branches never caught up at all on that one.
Week 5 Update.

The girls have been growing great lately they have completely bushed out except for one plant and I have been feeding about 1/2 strength nutrient mixtures. One of the Tweed Baker street plants looks way more Sativa than the pure Indica they advertised it to be. I think I'm going to need some more lighting too as I have my lights a little high to accommodate the area and the nodes have some good size spaces between them.

Week 6 update.

The girls are rapidly growing it's insane I think it's almost time to flip them. Unfortunately I didnt do any tying off this round but I have been bending some branches when I get thr chance and thr lowers are catching up to the canopy. Still feeding them half strength nutrients. Going to cut some clones from both of the bakerstreet phenos and my stinkiest purple indica and do a little breeding project.

I just flipped the timer for the lights to 12/12 last night so once I start seeing some pistils I will start my flowering countdown. Took a peek in there after 18 hours dark and it is starting to smell pretty good luckily the carbon filter is doing its job very well.
Ok it has been about 7 days since I have flipped the lights to 12/12 and I was able to find a set or two of pistils on each plant so I'm going to start the countdown for the next 8 -10 weeks today and keep updating on fridays call this the beginning of the 1st week I guess normally i timed from the seitch going to try this method this time.

Heres the girls after a week of being flipped the results are crazy, maybe I bit off a little more then I can chew haha watering is going to suck.


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Also have been really busy with work so they only got topped once and I never got to Lst them but when I could I would leaf tuck and supercrop some of the mains so the lowers got a bit of light too. Only 330 actual watts so I think may go badly for amount of plant material in the tent.
Cats, number 1 suspect in cannabis homicide.
I took 2 clones off of each of the 3 of the main set of plants and while watering the clones in my smaller tent my cat keeps running up ripping the partially rooted clones right of the pot haha, he has done it twice to one of the bakerstreet clones. I have to really keep an eye on him or lock him in my room till I am done watering and tents are zipped up.
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