The smell of weed


New Member
i am doing a closet grow in my room and i can smell it when i come in but after i cant smell it... does anyone eles lose there smell of the weed when growing in you room
i know i sleep in my room and when i wake i cant tell it smells like grass if anything really. thanks i thought maybe it was just me ... everyone says they can smell it i cant...
Oh absolutely, the smell is incredibly pungent when you reenter a room that has been blazed in or has a grow going. If you're in there from the start of the session, it's far less noticeable... but whenever I leave my room to get a glass of water or something and walk back in, woah boy is it ever dank.
same with me bro, people tell me they can smell it when walking in, I can't smell it unless I'm in the room

haha pretty scary when you think about it dude, you think you got everything under control when in fact everyone coming to your door knows whats going on. definitly shows how important it is to test your filters
haha pretty scary when you think about it dude, you think you got everything under control when in fact everyone coming to your door knows whats going on. definitly shows how important it is to test your filters

exactly that was a wakeup call for me to get better odor control.. Now I have my own odor bucket using ONA gel, works great.
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