New Member
getting ready for my second grow, but definitly toning down the size after my last grow. came out with little under half a LB on my last ( first ) grow, setting up a small cabinet grow now. id be happy to get an ounce. anyone know anyhting about LEDs? i have a string of 4, 2 inch round, 2.5 wats each. couldnt find out how many lumens theyre putting out online so not sure if its worth it. the cfls will put out about 1700 lumens per light. and the inside dimensions are 15x15x15. should have almost 100watts in there. hopefully seed germinate over the next couple days and i'll get a little lady in there and get this grow going next week!
What strain is it? same strain as my last grow, unknown feminized skunky sativa
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? germinating now
Indoor or outdoor? indoor cabinet
Soil or Hydro? pro mix soil
If soil... what is in your mix? castings, perlite, guana, plant success
If soil... What size pot? solo cup to start, we'll see after that
Size of light? 3 27w CFL's, 4 2.5w LEDs.
Is it aircooled? computer fans, one intake, one outtake. regular fan inside for circulation
Temp of Room/cab? mid 70's
RH of Room/cab? good question
Any Pests ? no
How often are you watering? plan on letting the plants decide on this one
Type and strength of ferts used? full set of general hydro nutes
heres a couple pics of the cabinet so far, still have to get the lights in and fan in there, light proof the door and double check the running temps
What strain is it? same strain as my last grow, unknown feminized skunky sativa
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? germinating now
Indoor or outdoor? indoor cabinet
Soil or Hydro? pro mix soil
If soil... what is in your mix? castings, perlite, guana, plant success
If soil... What size pot? solo cup to start, we'll see after that
Size of light? 3 27w CFL's, 4 2.5w LEDs.
Is it aircooled? computer fans, one intake, one outtake. regular fan inside for circulation
Temp of Room/cab? mid 70's
RH of Room/cab? good question
Any Pests ? no
How often are you watering? plan on letting the plants decide on this one
Type and strength of ferts used? full set of general hydro nutes
heres a couple pics of the cabinet so far, still have to get the lights in and fan in there, light proof the door and double check the running temps