Thrown out of a hydroponics store.


New Member
I was thrown out of a hydro store today for wearing a cannabis tshirt.
I forgot I had it on and did not realize that wearing certain clothes was a no no. I was so embarassed, the owner said I have no respect for him coming in wearing it. I hate being thrown out of any place but especially a place that I have spent thousands of dollars at. I will still purchase there but only online for now on(he does beat most peoples price online).
This conservative shit really pisses me off. I should be aloud to say what I want and wear what I want. I understand why I was treated this way but if pot did not have such a ugly background because of our government I would be able to speak more freely and wear what I want. This is not the first time I have been stereotyped but it is rare. Without a shirt on or me talking about 420 related stuff you would not be able to tell I smoke. I guess I am just bitching cause I got my feelings hurt. I think I will retire the shirt and not wear it anymore. Its my only cannabis shirt that says StarBuds.:peace:
Maryland sucks for mj.
Urdedpal said:
I was thrown out of a hydro store today for wearing a cannabis tshirt.
I forgot I had it on and did not realize that wearing certain clothes was a no no. I was so embarassed, the owner said I have no respect for him coming in wearing it. I hate being thrown out of any place but especially a place that I have spent thousands of dollars at. I will still purchase there but only online for now on(he does beat most peoples price online).
This conservative shit really pisses me off. I should be aloud to say what I want and wear what I want. I understand why I was treated this way but if pot did not have such a ugly background because of our government I would be able to speak more freely and wear what I want. This is not the first time I have been stereotyped but it is rare. Without a shirt on or me talking about 420 related stuff you would not be able to tell I smoke. I guess I am just bitching cause I got my feelings hurt. I think I will retire the shirt and not wear it anymore. Its my only cannabis shirt that says StarBuds.:peace:
Maryland sucks for mj.

Man that sucks..... if your paying money for there product you should be able to wear whatever the fuck you want..... that pisses me off because i know alot of people that are like that, because the govt. has demeaned something, there all on board to cast stones at the first person who displays the demeaniing theme. What store was that at in MD. cuz i need a place to go to for all my shopping needs
A store like that should know that more than half of it's customers are buying their shit to start growing some pot, why the fuck should he care about a "StarBuds" shirt? At first glance it looks like a regular Starbucks shirt. How could you get in trouble for wearing such a shirt? I've been in many headshops wearing hemp clothes with weed leaves on 'em, and I wasn't thrown out. That's a sad thing to hear about.
Thats some shit there. I really don't see how it was disrespectful, but whatever. Kinda like that thing where you can't say "bong" in a head shop.
SlimDog53185 said:
Thats some shit there. I really don't see how it was disrespectful, but whatever. Kinda like that thing where you can't say "bong" in a head shop.

you cant say bong in a headshop?????? ive never gotten kicked out for saying bong lol
I guess they don't want your money.
Damn, that sucks dude,
Why don't you you go back and tell him that you grow more than just pot, and that you've spent $1000's in his store, and that kicking you out was also disrespectful to YOU? If he doesn't at least listen, then he doesn't deserve your money.
where was this place.... and now where are u going to order your hydro ish at??
> THC < said:
Yeah.. when I was in new york in a head shop I said bong and they almost called the cops on me... Technically the store can be shut down or forced to pay a fine if the police heard someone say it..

wow thats rediculous.... i guess you just gotta say "piece" when referring to glass, damn govt.
you learn yet more more reason why i do what i do...
and how important it is, helping me to do so...
i left maryland for the same reason bro..
now today, i sit in a dispensary and eat pot food and hit the volcano packed with hindu kush or whatever fucking strain i want...;)
it's so nice being here, without that weight on my shoulders...
if you aren't going to wear the shirt anymore, you have to send it back to

that guy was only protecting his own ass bro,...he has to be paranoid, just like you...that's the real sad part is you guys are both mad at each other for the same reasons...and he has a business to lose....probably has a wife and kids to support and everything...people think i'm a dick for enforcing rules around here, but they are for a reason, yet we don't have time to explain every reason, to everyone...i would go back, in there and apologize and drop off a letter to him, of what you want to say....he can read it at his leisure and hopefully have some newfound respect for you and who knows, maybe you two will end up sitting around getting high on each other's supply...;)
keep me posted.
> THC < said:
Yeah.. when I was in new york in a head shop I said bong and they almost called the cops on me... Technically the store can be shut down or forced to pay a fine if the police heard someone say it..

that's rediculous. A bong can be used for tobacco, that's why they can sell them. I don't see how using that tem is illegal, even when referring to one they are selling.
happykid said:
that's rediculous. A bong can be used for tobacco, that's why they can sell them. I don't see how using that tem is illegal, even when referring to one they are selling.

calling a waterpipe a bong automatically turns it into paraphenilia which is illegal (thank you mr. ashcroft)
yea in my local headshop they have a sign on the case saying, ur out if u say anything word rhyming with the words 'song' or 'soul' meaning bowl or bong.
That sucks bro, but I have found those Hydroponics store guys..are usually "nice guy" a** holes! I had a similar incident, except this guy almost kicked my ass. We went in for a timer and nutes about...3 years ago. Anyway, the ape (I call him an ape, because he was about 5'2 290lbs...and almost all muscle and hair) behind the counter was cool as all hell when we came in. We bought about $90.00 worth of stuff, and we were good, we were all laughing. We left, and headed to the hardware store( we were building a strawberry was amazing..strawberries ALL YEAR LONG!...sorry..rambling. Anyway, then we go to the hardware store, find a cheaper timer..a much better timer, so...we buy it. then we head to the library, just to double check our stuff, and we read we bought the wrong nutes! So..we tried to take them back, as well as the timer. And..the guy behind the counter, wasn't having it. He started getting all pist, and started saying how some other guys tried bringing shite back in, but took the nutes out, and put in like OJ. And then proceeded to flex his muscles,stand up, puff his chest out, and proceed to tell us how he beat the hell out of these guys. Well we didn't get it..we are just two mellow suburbanites, and we woudn't have ever thought of doing that. And luckily we are pretty likable and funny guys, so we didn't get our asses kicked. But..this dude was being a dick, luckily none of the containers we were returning were opened, and we got to return it(but the ones we kept...all the seals were broken..stupid nutes being all acidic.)...for store credit. least we didn't have to keep that crap. I just think those hydro store guys are dicks...they are too high and mighty for selling garden supplies.
who would of thought that flower guys would have such ego's lol
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