Torco55's Regeneration


Well-Known Member
I have never grown indoors before so this is my first time, All the plants were outdoor plants except for one, that were harvested of there buds and then dug up and put into pots and regenerated.

There nothing special just bagseed weed, once i get the hang of this indoor growing i will order the good stuff. There are 5 plants growing under a 1000 watt and a 430 watt HPS.


the first plant is the largest. Its 26 inches tall and was put under the lights on Oct 24. the canopy is very large with many tops, its 33 inches by 25 inches wide.

This plant i grew from seed, i germed it in a rockwool cube and after it was a few inches tall it was put in the pot and put under the lights on NOV 11th.
Its 30 inches tall. the soil its in is Fox Farms Ocean forest potting soil, Coco Coir and vermiculite. this thing grows so fast i love watching it

This plant was put under the lights on Oct 11th, it got rootbound and had to be repotted, its now in a 15 gallon pot, Its 38 inches tall
this plant was givin to me by a friend, he said it is called shipwreck. i saw this plant before it was harvested, it was a short plant, and the main bud on it was like a big fat baseball bat. it was very nice looking bud.

this plant was put under the lights on Nov 3rd

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