Troubleshoot Time! Please come by and have a look! :)


New Member
Hey everyone!

I have 4 plants now! Chemdawg, Pineapple Express, Chocolope, And White Widow.

2 of the 4 are doing great! Growing like champions! These are the pineapple Express and White Widow!
The Pineapple Express is growing in soil along with Chocolope and Chemdawg while White Widow is in dwc.

Here are some pictures

First, Chemdawg

As you can see it is drooping a lot! I am trying to diagnose it at this time and i think the droopyness is caused by overwatering. Problem is... I don't water very often! So i think its down to a soil drainage issue. I might try to repot with more perlite if everyone thinks that is an okay option?

Next we have Pineapple Express!

This Baby is doing great! If anyone has anything to add it would be wonderful :)

Now we have Chocolope, Another problem child.

This plant was planted the same day as pineapple express. Which was planted two days after chemdawg. But it experiencing very slow growth. Anybody have any ideas?

And White Widow in DWC :)

White widow is growing spectacularly. I planted maybe a week and a half ago and it is overtaking my other plants! YAY Hydro!

I am using BPN and my last feed i used The feed chart on his website For week 3. 5ml per gallon of each. The yellowing on Chemdawg makes me also want to think it has a nutrient deficiency but I just do not know.

Thanks everyone for coming by and thanks in advances for the help! And I Hope you like it!
Thanks for responding! after reading i want to say i have salt buildup. My next water i will probably flush all 3 plants then water with weak fert as the yellow makes me think its also nute deficiency.
Chemdawg can be a very sensitive. Looks over/under watered, but sometimes w/ that strain they will look like that immediately after a feeding (even when done right) and then bounce back an hour or two later. I'm not familiar w/ growing the other strains but different strains grow at different rates. It looks like you have plenty or perlite to me. The lower foliage will yellow and die once the light gets blocked out by the upper canopy.
Okay thank you! :) I'll give it 3 or so more days before watering again to make sure it is completely dry! I feel below and the soil seems moist. and the pot is heavy. we will see what happens! I'll definitely update!
Soil is farmers pride from Walmart very basic no additives at all. I add 1 part perlite to 3 parts soil and plant. I water every three days usually. With blue planet nutrients. I like to lift the pot to check dryness. Poking a finger in the soil never works more me. I have airpots on the way, hopefully that will help too.
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