TryingHigh's 2.5th Grow: Coco Melon, 2 Cheese In 25Gallon Notill With Amensia Auto On The Side


Well-Known Member
After finishing the "clones" from my first grow (I consider that grow 1.5), I've popped seeds for my second. I like a challenge so I decided to attempt to never buy bottled nutes again, and attempt an organic notill.


1/3 (40 liters) Peat
1/3 (40 liters) of Gai Green Living Soil
1/3 (35 liters) of sheep manure compost, + 5 liters of perlite.

2 cups of kelp meal
4 cups of Basalt
4 cups of Chicken manure pellets
4 cups of Alfalfa meal
4 cups of Bood/Bone meal
1/2 cup of epsom salt.
2 cups of crushed up muscle shells

This will net me around 25 gallons. It is all mixed right now. Just leaving it "cook" for now.

I have a vermicomposter going with night crawlers. I'm still trying to find a red wriggler vendor locally. Nobody is shipping yet due to the risk of cold temperatures. I'm hoping this will be more source of compost for teas. When I got the worm population up in my composter, I will be moving some over to the 25 gallons fabric pot.


The Amnesia Auto will stay in its 5 gallon pot. It is Gai Green Living soil + perlite.

The 2 healthy looking seedlings are the Cheese by Canuk Seeds. The unhealthy looking seedling is Coco Melon. It was germinated while I was away and ended up getting over watered by my auto system -- and eaten a bit by bugs. I'm sure it will survive when re-potted though.

These are currently in my Veg tent with lots of my garden seedlings. (1800w COB LED, 320w actual) I will be moving to my flower tent once I get it cleaned out from my last harvest.

When the soil is cooked (another 2 weeks), i'll be planting these 3 into the 25 gallon container.
Update today.

I put the 2 Cheese into my Notill (left) and the Coco Melon into the right notill.

The Amnesia auto (Gai Green Living Soil) is on the bottom.

The roots were well developed. Since they were popping out of the container on the bottom, decided they could be transplanted.

I will be waiting till next week - and going to top the photos. I'm going to be doing just LST on the auto. It is my first Auto and it seems to be growing fast.

I'm having a hard time keeping the notill pots moist. I don't have access to straw yet, but I have planted clover as a cover crop. Hope those seeds fill out soon.
Some stem prn and half mainline training:


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Realizing that I may have planted kushy kush instead of cheese. I ordered a Canuck seeds puck. I intended to plant cheese, but it looks like I have 2 vials containing kushy kush instead of a vial of each. Didn’t read the vial when planting, just pulled it out of the side that said “cheese “... ooops. Giving weekly teas now in lieu of watering.


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The kushy kush came down 2 weeks a ago and will be weighed and Jared for the cure soon.

The Coco Melon was cut today. Sativas are such a long flowering time.

... time to clean the tent with javex and get her ready to flower some Gg4 and a coco melon clone!


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