UK Cheese With Mars TS1000 In DWC

4 weeks to go


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I have an odour issue here. I bought a new rhino pro filter at the start of this grow but still the house reeks of weed. The fan its matched with is slightly oversized I.e 4" filter with 5" fan but its married up right with no air escapes. Iv even changed my ducting. There is adequate air in to the tent and definite negative pressure in there but the house smells to high heaven. Have I bought a faulty filter? It's a year or so since my last grow and I cant ever remember my old filter leaving my house smell this way. I no it's best practice to filter externally but I dont have the option here so filtering into the bedroom is the only option. I'm at a loss really so will probably end up buying a new filter. For a gauge..... if someone who didnt no the smell walked into my house theyd assume an unusual smell. If a cop walked in I'd be fuked. And that's downstairs with the small grow upstairs.
I have an odour issue here. I bought a new rhino pro filter at the start of this grow but still the house reeks of weed. The fan its matched with is slightly oversized I.e 4" filter with 5" fan but its married up right with no air escapes. Iv even changed my ducting. There is adequate air in to the tent and definite negative pressure in there but the house smells to high heaven. Have I bought a faulty filter? It's a year or so since my last grow and I cant ever remember my old filter leaving my house smell this way. I no it's best practice to filter externally but I dont have the option here so filtering into the bedroom is the only option. I'm at a loss really so will probably end up buying a new filter. For a gauge..... if someone who didnt no the smell walked into my house theyd assume an unusual smell. If a cop walked in I'd be fuked. And that's downstairs with the small grow upstairs.
Is your fan and filter inside the tent or outside?
Hmm il check it over just incase thankyou. Theres a story to the filter that I'm wondering if has something to do with it.... not sure if your familiar with rhino filters depending on where in the world you are but they have rhino hobby (budget) and rhino pro(premium)
I went into the shop to buy the hobby and the guy offered me an unused ex-display pro version for the same price. So I took it. He said it has only been set up in the display tent and never used so I thought bargain. It has a sticker on the bottom saying "display unit" I'm wondering if the display units arent made right and might be "just for show"
Yes that could defo be the problem especially if it was on display for a long time, carbon absorbs moisture, if it was left unsealed for a prolonged period could affect performance.
Iv gave the shop an email and explained. I expect him to change it over iv been in and out if the place a lot over the last ten years so would be disappointed if not. A good couple of lads that run the place so fingers crossed. If not i might buy one of these "mountain air" filters that seem to be the dogs nuts according to what I'm reading
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