Uploading from pc and not photo bucket

re: uploading from pc and not photo bucket

There are reasons for everything, and they do have a reason here.

You will see this site is much different, MODs are very friendly, and helpful too here.
Took most of us a few days to see the difference, and learn the difference, but all and all, its a great site. Just Different!
re: uploading from pc and not photo bucket

On my first post a mod sent a message saying not to continue uploads from photo bucket and gave me a link on how to upload from my pc directly instead.
Well, you know what they say LIVE LEARN AND ADJUST! I'm on board, only fave to tell me once. HeHe Have a great day all!!!
re: uploading from pc and not photo bucket

yea, i just joined and it took me all tonite to get my damned pix up, every forum has thier quirks and this one is no different.
re: uploading from pc and not photo bucket

I feel U I will have to learn if peps want to see my pics tonight.
re: uploading from pc and not photo bucket

I feel U I will have to learn if peps want to see my pics tonight.

Just click [photo gallery] and on the far right there should be an upload pics link, then you upload some to your album, then take the direct link and put it in some img code tags. (if youre net savvy you should get it)
re: uploading from pc and not photo bucket

Just click [photo gallery] and on the far right there should be an upload pics link, then you upload some to your album, then take the direct link and put it in some img code tags. (if youre net savvy you should get it)

on your enlarged pic, right button click it, then click PROPERTIES, and then copy and paste the url address, incuding the http part.
then paste it in between:

[ img ]..........the address..........[ /img ] and there you go.
re: uploading from pc and not photo bucket

Its actually easy once you have done it. I'm a little slow so it took me some time. The problem I had was when I clicked on the image then went to properties to copy the image it would not show on my post. Went back and learned when I click on the pic to enlarge it in the gallery I needed to right click and go to "view image" that isolated the pic then I went back to properties and copied it...success!

Plus its really nice not having to use photobucket or any other site to store pics. You never know who might stumble across them.
re: uploading from pc and not photo bucket

True but I made a separate account just for growing and made it private.
Great info by the way, I just have to keep practicing so it doesn't take me so long.

Happy Friday T.G.I.F
Thanks for the support guys.

We have this policy because we like to keep the archives organized.

What happens over time with offsite pics is that they get moved, deleted, or recategorized. This results in dead links, red-x's where the pictures used to be and/or a generally untidy archive.

It's a little more work, but it's a conscious decision of a tradeoff of time for quality.

This is the same reason we don't allow ebay or other expiring links. They're great for the present but as the post fades into the archive, we end up with dead links.

Thanks for the opportunity to explain our policy ;)
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