Users of ONA products - Which one should I use?

I've been reading about odor control. There are many suggestions for ONA, and ways you can build your own fan operated air cleaner. All very good ideas (i'm always looking for the poor mans solution). Ok, here's the thing ONA has about 7 different products... the original ona block, ona gel, ona liquid, ona pro gel, ona pro block, plus mists and dispensers. I just want to neutralize the odor from a small grow closet, 4 x 5, 2 plants, now drying. The smell was pretty much under control while growing because of the exhaust fan, which was run by a temperature control sensor, but now the fan is off and the buds are drying, and man does it smell. I was going to build my own air cleaner using instructions I found here. A bucket with holes drilled in it, some ona in the bucket, and a fan pushed face down into the bucket. I thought it was a great idea. I don't know which ona product will be best for my needs. Anybody here have suggestions? Thanks J
Thanks so much for all the help. I don't need to completely eliminate odor, but I don't want my whole house to smell either. Thanks again. J
I've been told the carbon filter is 100%, but pricey. It's not essential to completely eliminate, I just don't want my entire house to smell. Like I said originally, the exhaust fan alone worked well while I was growing, it only became a problem after I cut.
If I want to use the DIY bucket filter while growing, it won't affect my plants will it? You can actually put this stuff IN the grow room?
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