Using veg and flower switches on LED


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I'm using an @marshydro epistar 320 growing an @thedutchsedshop amnesia haze, she had 4 weeks of veg from seed germination and 2 weeks of 12/12 with the additional bloom switch turned on.

Do I turn the additional red spectrum off now that she is showing signs of developing flowers, or do I leave it on for the duration of the grow?

i guess that is my question old mate, do I need to turn off or do I keep the additional red going i.e. does it make a difference
I only have 1 thing to say.....
I understand *switched on, is that bloom switch for the next 7w or now that she's flowering can I remove the extra Rspec?
Thanks, I'm using a western Australian brand of grow nutes
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