Veg and flower time regarding preflowers?


New Member
Hi all,

I vegged my plants for 3 weeks, they were about 14 inches tall when I flipped them too 12/12.

Am I right in thinking that a short veg would mean it takes a little longer too show preflowers when I flip them to 12/12. Or does it just depend on strain?.

I'm growing in the dr60 and using a 250mh/hps lught temps are running at 28 c in the day with humidity at 39% and at night it's 22 c and humidity is 44% I'm 5 days in yo flower

Thanks in advance
I would say Yes my longer veg pants that start showing pre flowers in veg, when flip too 12 start faster but I say yes on the strains are different speeds as well
help with preflower

Male or female preflower?? Or is it too early to tell? Thanks
Thanks for your help also do what do you think to the preflower on the picture male or female? I can't tell this is my first grow. Thanks
Re: help with preflower

Cheers man. Thought it might be but thought it was worth a shot they'll be a week into flower this Friday so still early days at the moment. Thanks again
still too soon to tell
that actually looks like a new set of leaves to me
anyway keep up the good work she looks healthy
update if possible
take care and good luck
Re: help with preflower

Hello, I've been looking closely and still finding it difficult to determine the sex yet I'll post some pics later see if ypu guys can crack it
Re: help with preflower

Not sure if too blurry still butcher's obe I need a better way of getting a pic. And again this pic will most likely be on its side or upside down. Grrr
Re: help with preflower

No worrys smokey wanna keep my eye on your grow lol I'm getting a hps and tent in the very near future haha congrats on the girl tho :)
Re: help with preflower

Yeah man I'll try get one on here tomorrow. They're showing some progress now so hopefully be able to pick a few more out. The lights have just gone out, another thing I'll do different next time lights on during night time. What setup you thinking about getting mate?? Soil? hydro? and equipment??
Re: help with preflower

Two 250 hps and tent can't remember size smallish lol and soil. But my old skool friend wants to help me a hydro set up witch I'm very keen to do as got money for both lights. Need two tents tho my friend is a hydro grower and is guna help me with a hydro setup. He swears by hydro and his buds really do show the rewards lol my last few grows just used soil.
Re: help with preflower

Yeah I've heard a lot of positive things about growing hydro but I'm thinking I'll do a few soil grows and then maybe balls up to try one and check the results myself. This might be a dumb question but us there anyway of identifying a strain lol. Also using one 250 hps I think a 400 next time but in the dr60 I'm guessing a fan upgrade anf an air intake added also maybe air cooled hood.

Cheers pal
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