Ventilation - can't find answers in the archives


New Member
I am currently building a grow room in my basement. 6x10x7, 7 ft ceiling. my plan is to run 3 600w lights. Will a 4 inch inline fan cool these lights?? I live in MI, will the cold winter air affect the lights?? my plan was to pull from outside, and spit it back out.
Figure out the cubic feet of your grow area. Then, get a fan that moves three times that much air. So, if your grow room is 100 cubic ft .... then you want to find at least a 300 CFM fan. Fan size doesn't make much difference as long as the CFM is good. Of course, an 8 inch moves more than a 6 inch ... and so forth. The more air volume you move, the more humidity you can remove and the more temps you can remove. Plus, you get more outside fresh air and CO2 into your grow area. You need to get yourself a speed controller. You can get one on amazon for under 20 bucks.

Then, if you find that you are moving too much air, and it's cooling your grow area too much. You can turn down the fan. But, if you have your fan running at full speed, and it doesn't have enough CFM there's nothing you can do to increase air flow. So, you're stuck with the humidity and temps that you have. So, be sure to get a big enough fan first time around.
Thanks for the replies so far. I am going to vent the rm seperate from lights with a 6" fan. And I am now planning to use a 6" for lights as well. I was trying to avoid drilling four 6" holes outside (2 intakes,2 exhaust) right next to eachother. F it I guess, I'm legal! Part of my question was if the freezing air would affect the lights once they are heated up??
No, it shouldn't hurt the light.

I suggest you put the carbon filter on the "suck" side of your fan and blow the cleaned air through your light and then out through the exhaust.

I suggest you only drill one 6 inch hole for the exhaust. But make several smaller holes for a passive intake. Check out my grow journal (link is in my signature block). On page one, it shows how I set up my ventilation.
Are you suggesting venting the room with one fan exiting via the lights? my idea for the intake was to rum solid pipe to the basement floor. At the floor I will attach a piece of flexible 6" corrugated drain tile (with holes), that way fresh air would be dis. evenly. the flexible drain tile would allow me to move the intake anywhere in the room, like underneath the canopy.
Thanks for the responses. I talked to a couple local growers, they said using cold outside air will create extreme condensation issues. I suppose my options for winter then are: use inside air for the intake, or remove glass and vent the whole room more often. In summer I could then switch it over to recirculate outside air.
You can let the fan intake the air around your plants and vent that outside. Have another passive vent to let
outside air into the room. Natural draft will pull it in. If it gets too cold block off part of the passive vent.

You can use one of these on your fan to control the temp.
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