My utility room is as cool as the house. The water heater is cold on top. Why I don't just get my heating pad out and use that and I think I can disable the auto shutoff.

I'll make it a point to check those out in January. December is gonna be tight around here. I just had a 345$ month cut in pay. If it weren't for bad luck.... you know the rest. Overtaken by heart disease and extra-poverty in the same month. Good thing I have my second grow tent set to go last month.

My battery is dead so GOODNIGHT..
Already did exactly that. I happen to have black towels and a heating pad on low and continuous on.

As these auto's are nearing harvest, I could begin pulling off a thousand leaves while I wait.

I wish I had more room and equipment than I have. I would rather invest more fully in my hobby. But my house is too small and the deck is stacked against me.
My problem is that I'm of an extremely giving nature. I enjoy sharing everything good comes my way with others like family and neighbors but nobody ever reciprocates..
This time it'll work out for me replentishing my stash down to the wire. Hopefully within 3 weeks I'll be resupplied then by winters end, I'll be flush and should be an "Excessive stash".

I just finished trimming back most of the bigger broad-leaves. Keeping the rest for harvest. Now I can lick all the resin off my fingers.

You just read that on a fortune cookie didn't you? LOL

Now there's an idea! Cannabis theme Easter eggs with 4 grams and a cannabis cooking recipe in every one just like in a fortune cookie.

I'm still pumped from that documentary.
I was enjoying most of it. It shows how far we still have to go and falls right in line with my city licences debacle from the other day. Change is too difficult for the politics here.
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