Washington State Bar Endorses Pot Decriminalization Proposal

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Reviewing a proposed change in law, the Washington State Bar Association has endorsed a proposal that would see marijuana possession by adults punishable only as a civil infraction similar to a speeding ticket.

In a vote earlier this month, the bar's board of governors voted unanimously to support Senate Bill 5615, mirrored in House Bill 2401. Two of the board's 11 members abstained.

If passed, the change would see adults caught with less than 40 grams of marijuana issued a civil infraction carrying a $100 penalty. Juveniles would continue to face misdemeanor charges, as adults currently do.

Proponents of the change argue that the law as it stands is an undue infringement on personal liberty and a waste of taxpayer money. They claim, according to a legislative summary, that local governments spent $7.6 million in 2007 to jail 11,000 people arrested for simple marijuana possession.

During a hearing earlier this year, opponents of the change argued that relaxing marijuana laws would encourage drug use among children.

Per the summary of testimony in opposition:

Long-term studies on patterns of drug usage among young people show that very few young people get started on more serious drugs without having used marijuana first. Therefore, marijuana is a precursor drug. People who use marijuana are more likely to use ******* than those who have never used marijuana. Youth might perceive marijuana usage as a less serious drug if this legislation is passed and fell freer to use it which would lead to more serious drug use.

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the measure during the 2009 legislative session but the bill did not come up for a floor vote. State Rep. Mary Helen Roberts, a proponent of drug law reform, questioned her colleagues willingness to address the issue in the upcoming session.

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: seattlepi.com
Author: Levi Pulkkinen
Copyright: 2009 Hearst Seattle Media, LLC
Contact: seattlepi.com / Hearst Seattle Media Staff Directory
Website: Washington State Bar endorses pot decriminalization proposal
Psh, precursor drug, I drank alcohol before I smoked pot, and I was probably drunk when I took my first puff, so lets just rethink that whole decrim leads to youth corruption idea. Booze is still far easier than pot is for someone under the legal age to obtain imho.
Psh, precursor drug, I drank alcohol before I smoked pot, and I was probably drunk when I took my first puff, so lets just rethink that whole decrim leads to youth corruption idea. Booze is still far easier than pot is for someone under the legal age to obtain imho.

I started with breast milk and it proved to be a gateway drug for alcohol.lol
The only drug i see as a gateway is Nicotine...:roorrip:
And which substance out of all the substances mentioned has never directly hurt a sole??? Why Marijuana of course! That says it all right there, why is IT illegal and nicotine and alcohol and tylenol still killing people and STILL legal and the one that is safer than any of the others is illegal? The answer is..money, corruption, and our peoples in office unwilling to try and make a change even if it is for the better. Noone wants to be the person who finally stands up and says enough is enough. Lately there have been a few brave souls, and for them I am most grateful. And for this site, and this newsletter and all the people behind the scenes who keep the fight going I am grateful. Marc Emery and the others, Jack Herer and Ed rosenthal, Ron Paul and many others are all nothing short of super human to me.
I started with breast milk and it proved to be a gateway drug for alcohol.lol

Now now, let's not blame breast milk. My sainted mother god rest her soul couldn't produce any, so I was started on baby formula. It's starting kids on a liquid diet that leads to drug abuse. Don't want your kids to do drugs? Feed them steak from birth!
If this is actually passed it will be, hopefully, an example other states will follow. It's about time quite frankly. Perhaps some kind of card or certification to carry and posses will have to happen. Imagine if you could get your washington auto insurance and then also get your washington marijuana insurance card at the same time.
Where I live (BC, Canada) it's still illegal but the tolerance by law enforcement is comfortable. And really, why shouldn't it be? As already pointed out in this thread alcohol and nicotine are far more insidious yet because they're legal and domesticated everyone simply accepts them as being 'ok'. It's high time (ha!) marijuana joined the ranks of the acceptable and legal.
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