weird growth


Well-Known Member
hey all'
i grow a few Moby dick and Blue Widow, both from dinafem, and one of the Blue widow have sometimes 5 leaves at each internode, i've never seen this myself before, thought it could be fun to share it with you.

i wish you have a nice-shinny-greeny day Friends.

They are Sativa dominant or indica dominant. Indica are usually fat leaves, maybe 5-8 per leaf. Sativa you are looking at more like 9-12 fingers per leaf.
hi Sabo,
thanx for replying and reading M8, but it is not at all about the number of fingers per leaf but the number of leaves itself at each internode
usually i have 2 leaves at each internodes and not 5 like on that plant.
have a nice day Sabo.


hi Wildmadman, welcome to :420: , you'll find all you need here on the community forums.
for me this plant looks healthy.
which strain is it? looks like a heavy indica to me.
don't forget to introduce yourself in the "introduce yourself" section and you'll meet many nice people soon for sure , you are on one of the nicest place to be if you are a MJ lover.
have a green day and WELCOME among us.
Hey bud, is a heavy indica good? Was givin these seeds by a fellow grower. Would u consider indica or sativa as the better strain. Sativa has more females too right? What u think about this one?

Celery top
I often see large, wide fans in early stages. Only thing I noticed is the crepe paper look to leaves, which is often indicative of some over fertilizing. Nice green color and foliage otherwise.
thanx very much for that nice answer Brightlight, always nice to have new contributor to this forum.
Welcome here and on my few humble threads.
then after reading what you claims Brightlight, i suggest to Wildmadman a nice flush with 6/6.3 Phed water to get back healthy.
nice to be there with you Guyz !!!
new contributors are warmly Welcome here BL. it is the main fuel of this community to have more contributors of every skill.
Appreciate the advise brightlight. Do u think i should just let it grow until it uses all the nutrients up? Been using maricle grow spikes, then added some high nitrogin stuff, since i herd that was good for the veggie stage. Oh and one more thing, im getting alittle concerned that one of my big plants leave tips have a very faint white color, any ideas?
Thks a bunch ec juzt caught your post, gonna give it a shot. Oh and they say flush with double your pot size right? So in my case would be about ten gallons purified water! Could i possible use a lake water to flush it? Was really tryong to avoid this, much extra work, but im sure will be worth it in the long run.
I don't see any reason to be worried. Overall, it looks healthy. Crepe like leaves are more of an alert than a serious problem. Just water w/o nutrients for a couple of times. Miracle Grow doesn't have a good reputation w/ most growers of our plant. It's not something I'd ever use. You might consider using another nutrient line. It's hard to comment on the discolored tips without seeing a pic, but burnt tips, if that's what you see, is also a sign of over fertilizing.
Alright cool, thats gravy then. And i did here anour the miracle grow switched over to osmosis, high in nitrogen, and a whole bunch of other nuts. Says to use once every six months. So i figure one application and i should be good all summer. And i wont over due it this time. Ill have my other pics up soon.
Little droopy, prob. From recent topping, just have a concern on how close two of them r, trying low stress on the one that looks like its growing on the ground to make it grow away from the other one, thats right...right? The crepe look even looks like it went away.
Any tips on pruning?

Looking good! Seems like a night photo, which may explain the "droop" you mention. Normal at the end of the day. Everyone has his/her own preference, but I never prune an outdoor plant of that size/age. Outdoors I supercrop and fim to gain more bud sites, and to control height. I limit my outdoor plants to 6' height due to security concerns (theft). My son says I'm an old paranoid hippy.
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