went without lights for 24hrs


New Member
need advice on my out come strawberry Haze on vEgGGG my lights blew out and im on 18/6 using fox farm nutes and Ocean forest 3rd weeek of Vegggg and they where 24:30 to be exact without nothing air nor lights for that long till the electrician got me going again do i leave them Veggging 18/6 still or take them to Flowering to see if i can save them
all the point of the leaves curled under

need advice anyone help :thumb:

any advice welcomed
That ^^^^^^^^^

Your not alone. The same happened m
e today. I'm on holidays at the moment and my sister has just informed me that our power has been off for most of the day. My white skunk female plants are in veg mode 18/6, they have received an extra 10 hours of darkness. I adjusted the timer and put the lights on. I wonder will my plants suffer from this. I hope not. This is my first grow........
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