What am I smoking?


New Member
I was just wondering if there is ANY way to tell just what strain I am smoking. I understand that without procurring the seeds and growing myself, or walking into a med supplier there is virtually no way of telling. But, if there were a way, what would it be?:bong:
I have been smoking for going on 14 years now, so I have had my fair share of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". I have not been sold schwag ( and I do mean it was schwag ) since right before halloween last year. Only reason I bought it was I was already over an hour late for a gig my band was playing at a local night club, and that was all that could be found right then. As far as regs go, I don't mind dirty regs. Sometimes the thc content is higher than expected and you get a great buzz............:thedoubletake::whoa::oops: DAMMIT, I just dropped my glass piece and it made a god awful noise, oh no pieces everywhere. let me have a moment of silence for my glass. In a way that was cool, sucks cuz that was my good pipe, but cool cuz it happened in like super slow motion. got another pipe now, back to point. Imho, I prefer mids, I think that they have a better kick than regs, and not as CLEAN a high as hydro or highs as we call them around here. By the way, let me explain that so everyone understands my area. We have dirt weed ( schwag ), we have regs., we have mids, dro ( hydro ) and last but not least we have highs. I'm guessing the highs are the best because of prices. One guy quoted $225 for a quarter. I don't know about everyone else here, but me, I am just an average run o' the mill person, with a somewhat respectable job. I don't pay that kind of money for smoke, I have the real world to pay my money to. Like I said before, I have tried all categories and I would rate like this. Last place would have to be schwag, if I smoke a whole quarter and can still see and think, I wasted my money. Fourth place is the hydro, I don't like dro because it has to CLEAN a high. That is the only way I can explain it. Third has to be regs. It got third for two reasons only, 1. Inconsistency, also like I said before, SOME regs thc content can be higher than expected. you win some, you lose some. Second place is highs, I gave it second simply because the price is too much for me 1, and two people sit on that stuff and don't want to sell it. Sure it is available, but the majority of the dealers hold onto it for their personal stash. Leaving first place to mids. It is easily available, gives me the one two punch I want from my smoke but does not leave me comatose. $65 for 14g. is alot better than $225 for 7g. When all other explanations fail me, I just remember this, I like the laughy, smiley, kinda stupid high from when I first started smoking, it's long gone now but I still smoke for the day I find something strong enough to do that again. Damn, four :bigtokes: and that was alot of writing, I'll shut up now and go back to my :theband: and my :yummy::roorrip:
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