What Obstacle Is My Plant Facing?

Hi DramaMonkey1,
Seems odd that you have to water your plants every day at only 2 weeks into flower. Sounds like you are rootbound. Any new photos to offer? What size pots are you in now? I take it you are following Emilya's watering technique as you should? Pots are dry at the bottom and very light, not just the first few inches?

The plants are growing a lot still, which tells me that they aren’t root bound. They’re in a 5 gallon pot. I will say, I kept them in veg longer than I think they needed (8 weeks of Veg). One of the plants has stopped “stretching” already and seems to be focusing its energy in budding as it has a lot more calyx’s forming at all the bud sites than the other plant. The one plant that is definitely at a dry level and seems ready to be watered again, is still “stretching” and grew another 1-2 inches over night.
with this sort of rapid growth it is no wonder that they are sucking in massive amounts of water, and given the buffer they have left you with, for the size of plants and the light you are dealing with, 5gal might not be quite enough room for them, but as long as they and you are happy with watering them every day, there is nothing wrong with that, and actually it gives you a chance to give them lots more water and nutes than a plant being watered every 3 days would get. It is my goal in flower to water them much more often, usually taking a day off of the regular schedule that had been established in veg. My plants right now in hard sided containers have settled in on a roughly 4 day wet/dry cycle, but now that I am in flower, I will be watering them every 3 days... just trying to push them a bit and keep the microlife alive and active.
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