What plant do I pick to become a mother? Pictures


New Member
Title says it, but I also would like some insight here please. I got the these seeds from bagseed and still have 15-20 more. Started with 8 but 6 made it. My question is what criteria is followed when picking out the ideal mother plant if choosing from a group of bag seed juvenile plants? The one closest on right is bushiest but one behind it is less bushier but wayy more woody and thick-stalked.

take a clone or 2 (could be more) from your strongest plants. dont get them mixed up with one another, be sure to label them so u know who the mom was. now that you have rooted clones growing in veg you can flower all the mothers. once your crop is done you will see what plants gave you the best yield or best end product. take your clone/clones that came from that plant and turn one or more of them into your new mothers so u can keep that strain going. and all the plants you dont want to keep as new moms you can flower on the next crop. by your 3rd crop you should have only the strains that u have proven to be good plants.
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