What strain ar the seed?


New Member
I live in the midwest and i know the seeds i got arent anything speical like the gold bud that is now being sold and grow in south bend instead of michigan city...the bud coloration is green....even tho i know it can change color with the right care (purple as im told is the regular color change for green bud strains in 'fall' i believe) and i got seeds from a dealer in the midwest (about 150) idk if they r mature...they r dark not really greenish but bud no doubt...and this dealer idk what the strain is he sells(i dont even know he knows what strain he sells) i believe it is commercial strain...i was just wonder if that is describing a certin strain or the potancy of the bud?
idk if its stavia or inca...i havent started growin yet..but i was wondering if u knew what it might be...
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