What's The Best Soil For Indoor?


New Member
Hello everyone! i have just a very simple question? what is the best soil/fertilizer to use for my plants and i am growing them indoor!
airblasted said:
From my understanding and experience, Fox farm ocean forest is a great potting soil to start out with. you can find it mostly everywhere for about 15 bucks a bag.

Also need to watch out, FFOF is an organic soil that runs hot. If your not careful you can burn your babies.
i agree with BOTH of the last 2 replies, i like and use FFOF, and jsut this week one of my ladies suffered from the HOT mix and got a little bit of burn.. next go around ill start out with happyfrog then when repotting ill switch over to ocean forest.BUt as far as the best... IMHO there isnt a BEST.. because what works for you may not work for me... so the BEST is what works BEST for you:peace:
I used only pro mix and sunshine mix for twenty plus years, never had a hot mix/problem with either. I always thought keep it simple, cheap, and it worked. Bought them by the big bale, heavy but worth it. Hope this helps,:peace: out.
For pure simplicity, perlite and is the way to grow IMO. I can get that locally for $18 for 4^3 ft and grow for a year with one bag. Good luck getting that with FF or any other mix for that matter. I do enjoy growing with soil for better control of taste though and for that I have found that local mix, if researched a little, often provide better results than you with can get with ALMOST any bag mix. Pro Mix is the one exception I make here only because I have a good bit of experience with it from my time in MI and it always outperformed the best local stuff I could find. But in Texas the local stuff comes in at number 1.

How to find local stuff you ask? Open your phonebook and look under soil, compost, landscaping supplies, or any number of other titles that all mean the same thing depending on the book you use to look it up. Google is great if you live in a large city but not all of us do and good luck finding a nursery or landscaping center with a website in a smaller town. Use a phonebook.

This assumes you have some knowledge of soil composition and mineral availability. If not... there’s always Perlite and Pro-Mix.

Edited part:
There are ample posts on this very website describing how to make a soil blend for about $100 - $150 a year that you will never have to fertilize unless you are growing uber-long blooming sativa strains so there is no real reason to have no knowledge of soil make-up with the exception of illiteracy and if you are reading this, then that doesn't apply to you. Read a book or look up a few terms and you will have a rudimentary grasp of plant needs and the nutrient availability in various soil compositions. Or better yet, use this site to get a more detailed and varied view of growing mediums. It doesn't hurt to become educated if you have taken to doing this as a hobby or for personal supply. You obviously want the best if it is for yourself and you would be selling yourself short buying preblended mixes. There is a reason why the best have their own formulas and they grow on massive scales for almost half of what you pay per grow using preblends.

Sorry for the long winded reply, but I got high and found myself annoyed with the tendency for people to becoming lemmings when it comes to growing. Just because someone else does it that way, doesn't mean you should.
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