When do I fertilize my transplanted clones


New Member
I am a first time grower! I have successfully rooted 5 out of 5 cuttings. I read that it's best not to fertilize them while rooting, but once transplanted they'll need to be fed at some point. Do I follow the same guidelines for seedlings - no nutes until the plants have at least 4 sets of true leaves? I need to thank the 420 community for the wealth of invaluable info contained here. I'm growing in my walk in closet, to date I have one lady in the final 2 weeks of flowering, and she is LOADED. I have 2 more who have just begun the flowering phase, 4 seedlings and the 5 clones ready to be transplanted. I've literally studied this site, have taken copious notes and kept a journal of my gardening efforts. This is something I've always wanted to do and WOW, how exciting it is!
the soilless(no nutes) mix I use, I give nutes when I plant my clones in it at 1/2 strength .If your soil has nutes in it, then don't add any, till the plant's tell's you to feed them.
I'm growing in soil, Fox Farms Oceanic organic mix

You should be good for a month or so with that mix and anything added could burn them.

High DD - another question. pH meters. I went to the website you recommended and plan to order from them. However, I need guidance. What type should I purchase? As I mentioned, I'm growing in soil, I have an RO H2O filter (came with the house!) I've learned from my research that a good, reliable pH meter is an important piece of equipment to have, and I want to do everything correctly. If you could recommend one, our the type I should be using. I don't want to"break the bank, but I don't want to waste $$ and risk my girls' health on a cheap one. Thank you for your input!
For soil, a $10 one worked great for me.If you'er soil is a around 7 or a little lower or higher you'er good.Don't wast to much money on a ph metier for soil
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