When should I take clones from my plants?

Hi. New member here. New to cloning as well. Will be switching to 12/12 in a couple of weeks. Should i clone now? And do i feed as i would a normal vegging plant? Thanks much. Peace.
Sorry if this is in the wrong area new to the forums.
But since yhe talk is clones if I take 2 clones off 1 plant then force 1 clone to pollinate and take that pollen and put it on the other clone u think it would produce hermie seeds? Since it's Basically the same plant?
I'm raising a girl from seed. I bought a feminized seed and plan to raise this to become the mother plant and I will use it for cloning. Question, should you wait the two months recommended by Jorge's book before you take clones or just go by the size and health of the plant and not worry to much about age.

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The bottom growth has newer hormones which are better for cloning is what I'm reading.

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You should take clones when the plant your taking the cutting from is 3 to 4 weeks in veg

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Hi I'm new to the forum and a first time grower I'm currently growing in a window I live in SC so sunlight is pretty good was wondering if anyone had any pointers or suggestions

They will not be successful receiving light through a window. You either need to get them under the sun, or under a grow light. They are going to stretch like crazy
I planted 2 northern lights seeds last week. 1 sprouted roots up and it died before i caught it. I know its to late to throw another seed in but how long should i wait before i cut a clone off the sprout that didn't die? I really want 2 plants at harvest so i need this clone as soon as humanly possible
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