When to harvest? Outdoor plants mature mid-summer but before daylight shortens


New Member
Problem: Planting outdoor in MO USA, planned probably April. Plants known to mature in roughly 8 weeks which is good 3 months before daylight decreases (fall).

Question: Do I delay planting to coincide plants maturity with fall or what? How do I handle this situation?

All feedback is appreciated
as I am a first time outdoor grower.....

Hello Wizzzzard

Unless your plants are "autos", the 8 weeks is a rough count from when they start to flower, not from when they emerge from the ground. Most non-autos will be ready for harvest in late September through to November depending on their flowering time.
No worries Wizzzzard

Most of the plants we grow are "photos", meaning they will start flowering after daylight levels drop below 12-13hrs of light a day, after which they will take another 7-14 weeks or more to mature depending on genetics.

Autos are a hybrid between Cannabis Indica (or Sativa) and Cannabis Ruderalis. The Ruderalis genetics allow the plant to flower after a set length of time regardless of light levels. They will flower even with 24hr lights.
Hi all.. This thread is similar in wording at least to my current problem.

Have a Barneys Farm DSL outdoors, southern hemisphere, LOS, smart pots. Where I am, daylight is 13hrs 50 minutes and solstice is days away, like 3 days.
Thanks to security issues plant is in a shade house (30%) in a part of my yard that is not in full sun all day, and although sun is strong and bright, shade from boundary trees and the shade cloth limit full exposure all day. Probably in good direct light 6-8 hours a day.
Okay; problem is is that she's been flowering for a good month now, I'm assuming because of the light situation, which probably works out to be about 12/12.. So far, fair enough. Plant is green and healthy looking; still growing slowly but definitely flowering, only without the masses of pistils.. Like it's trying to reveg, but flowering is basically taking over.
No problem there except that there is still supposed to be 2 months left of summer.
My question is: will this plant continue to flower as normal as the light starts to diminish, and finish normally but 3 months early; or will it basically rattle itself to pieces and never really flower properly, yet never really reveg either..
Just read about "Faux" or "Soft" flowering that can be expressed in 14/10 light schedules indoors; never heard of this and never seen this happen before outdoors (my first season on this property; would not be an issue but for tall trees on boundaries stopping good direct light for the first couple hours of the morning).
Is my plant a waste of effort at this point? I'm hanging on with crossed fingers at this point hoping for any buds....
Hate to hijack but can't find any info on this anywhere. Adding lighting not an option.
Cheers for any help...
Hey santb! I have flowered under a 30% shade cloth in my greenhouses with no issues what so ever. While it is possible that you have some additional shading issues that are effecting your flowering...I doubt it. In the northern hemisphere we are experiencing our shortest day of the year. Today. At this time you are getting your longest day of the year. What you are seeing is quite possibly preflowering. I often see it around late June in my area which coincides to your late December. As long as your light intensity is still good she should just keep on keepin on. The only other issue that might be possible is if you have been feeding too much nitrogen. If so you can get weaker later flower development. It happens all the time with over fed tomato plants.
Best of luck in all you grow!
Hey santb! I have flowered under a 30% shade cloth in my greenhouses with no issues what so ever. While it is possible that you have some additional shading issues that are effecting your flowering...I doubt it. In the northern hemisphere we are experiencing our shortest day of the year. Today. At this time you are getting your longest day of the year. What you are seeing is quite possibly preflowering. I often see it around late June in my area which coincides to your late December. As long as your light intensity is still good she should just keep on keepin on. The only other issue that might be possible is if you have been feeding too much nitrogen. If so you can get weaker later flower development. It happens all the time with over fed tomato plants.
Best of luck in all you grow!

Cheers uptheholler2;
Yeah; upon further research I think she'll be fine. Got concerned after reading a GLR thread about a 14/10 (which is my sunlight schedule) schedule basically putting a plant in a purgatory of not quite flowering, not quite vegging, until it dies (indoors)...
Now I've come to agree with you... preflowering. Which will start sooner, and last longer outdoors in this light.
She did get a bit of a N boost when I panicked but I only use organic ferts so they don't last long. Gave her a big hit of bloom ferts to try and push along the right path, so now will just wait and see.. Was a bit shocked expecting a 5 month veg; was thinking about a huge bush developing; already topped it twice to shape it up..... Oh well..
Solstice today, but another few days before days actually get shorter. Another month will tell the tale.
Thanks again!
Yes preflowering or showing sex happens quickly after Summer Solstice at least with outdoor strains, but she won't flower till few more weeks pass.
Happy for your input, conradino23; seen you around and I know you know what you are talking about.. :thumb:

I worked out from reading another thread here that I unknowingly gave her a "Uncle Bens Topping Method" chop at the 2nd node after growing out to 5-6 nodes just before the pistils started, then again stupidly topping the 2 new tops 2 weeks later, removing new flowers, hoping for a big square plant and to force it to reveg after reading something on another forum.. It now looks good but loads of 1 -3 fingered leaves, esp. on 3 branches that are really stretching... I am hoping that it is just going deeper into flower and final stretch.... But I think it's trying to veg those 3 branches; the bud sites where the topping happened have more advanced looking flowers, tighter nodes, brown pistils, lots of trichs even on the stems of the fans! Plant is bushy and green and happy looking. I accidentally split the middle of the stem a couple of weeks ago but she never even noticed.. Could stress from that have anything to do with it?
I'm still concerned, but in another month there will be half hour less light, so fingers are still crossed!!
Hey Santb! The topping and the stage that you topped them at can both contribute to the three leaflet leaves that you are seeing. Remember that your plants are literally shifng physiological gears right now as they begin to shift from Vegetative growth ( where photosynthesis is the defining process) to preflowering ( where in a gradual shift the plant begins to draw more of it's energy from the roots and photosynthesis begins to slow...to flowering ( where the plant begins to spend most of it's stored energy to develop flowers in an effort to reproduce) To senescense ( Where the plant begins to desperately tries to reproduce, pumping out trychomes as it attempt to trap any pollen that is out there available for it's use. It will continue this even to the point of shooting out male flowers in an effort to pollenate especially if stressed.) All of these stages have visual clues ,as well as, a FEEL to them that you.... by becoming an observant cultivator... can learn to identify. Once you do this, then you will be able to time your nutrient applications and their concentrations. That in turn will both save you money and maximize your yield. I know just by reading your posts that you will be successful in this and future grows. I DO encourage all new growers to do at least a few plants all the way through a season with no added nutrients. That way the natural stages....unadulterated can be identified and evaluated. Also then you will have a benchmark to judge future nutrient applications by! Best of luck in all you grow!
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